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Messages - LURG

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Hair styler
« on: November 12, 2011, 11:04:09 AM »
I see!
Seems like I read this but the message never reached my brain.... :-)

Thanx a lot!

How to make things for Sex Sim / Re: How to make a new character - Part 1
« on: November 11, 2011, 04:15:58 PM »
HI there, Jak!

Used this 'how-to' to create an own char. Worked out really good, but now 'Robyn' looks the same as my creation, although I changed the name, the layers of the textures and anything after copying and pasting 'Robyn's text from the '_aData' to the 'user_created'-Folder (I even created an own folder for my textures, own names, own images, anything)....

Maybe I did something wrong.

Maybe U can help me out?
Thanx in advance.

General Discussion / Hair styler
« on: November 11, 2011, 04:03:12 PM »
Hi there!

Dunno if that question has been asked in the past....
I got the 'Hair styler' just a few minutes ago and I just miss the '14 colors' that are mentioned in the upgrade-description....

I'm only allowed to select 'Custom Style' in the menu... there's no menu to choose from different colors! Well, yeah, it's easier now to chose from different hair-styles now but it's not worth the points if that's the only thing that add-on does....
(If I find that one of my chars got to wear another hairstyle I'd change that in the XML-file....)

Maybe there's a bug in my version...
Please try to help me out!

Thanx in advance.

Pages: [1]
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