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Messages - stuart666

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Re: More Locations?
« on: February 17, 2012, 11:06:52 AM »
If I may noninate a couple of ideas, an airliner with Stewardess outfit and perhaps even a dancefloor would be fun. :)

Stories / Re: Storyboards
« on: February 03, 2012, 04:56:08 AM »
Still doesnt look at good as your product Jakk, particularly if you use photorealistic textures.

I also dont like the business model that you have to pay through the nose to do anything. Sexsim is very commendable in that respect.

Outfits / Re: More stockings and socks
« on: January 10, 2012, 04:58:58 AM »
May I thank the creator for these wonderful bits of work. The original stocking back was good, but these various items take it to a different level.

By way of a request, would it be possible to create stocking and suspenders like this? Or would the 2 halves of the textures for bottom and legs not meet up?

Keep up the good work.

Characters / Re: Manu-Brazillian Model
« on: January 03, 2012, 01:08:47 AM »
Just click on the 'RAR' underneath the picture, and it will save to your computer. Unzip and installed in the sexsim directory.

I may have come up with a new pair of brown eyes that will meet approval, Ill up them in a few days and see if you guys think it an improvement.

General Discussion / Re: Jewelry options
« on: December 31, 2011, 08:32:04 AM »
Its not as hard as it sounds. You just need a halfway competent graphics program like Photoshop (or even Gimp, which although I cant get on with it has a lot of options) and copy and paste directly onto the texture map. There is an option called 'copy as raster' which basically makes an invisible texture which applies over the original texture, which means you can make alterations fairly easily without damaging the texture below.

I find copy and paste onto the original texture often enough gets you what you want. You just have to use the colour map alteration feature to alter the texture you are pasting to match close enough the skin texture of the map below.

Thats how I do it anyway. Im sure there are better methods.

General Discussion / Re: Jewelry options
« on: December 31, 2011, 04:47:33 AM »
You cant add items that the programmer has not put in. However you CAN paste on texture files on top of the textures used. I used that affect with a tounge stud on one character, and it came out quite well.

Not sure how well it would work with labia rings, but its worth trying at least. The only difficulty is getting the skin of the texture map to match with the surrounding texture. Ive never found that particularly easy, but you can always try with a new raster.

Characters / Re: Marie
« on: November 26, 2011, 04:46:21 AM »
Thanks very much Jak. :)

Characters / Re: Marie
« on: November 25, 2011, 08:26:05 AM »
Thanks for the heads-up about attachments.  I see some of them aren't working so I'll check into it first thing tomorrow.

Thanks for that. I also note Pornzillas stockings set also has the same problem if its any help.

Characters / Re: Marie
« on: November 25, 2011, 12:51:47 AM »
If anyone has a copy of this one, can the please post it back up? Ive lost my copy, and the download here doesnt seem to be working.

Characters / Re: Manu-Brazillian Model
« on: October 31, 2011, 06:04:33 AM »
Thanks for the kind comments everyone. Ive actually swapped out the eyeball texture due to not quite remembering where I got it from, so I swapped it out with one of the in game textures and I dont think it looks too bad. Eyes are quite easy to source from photographs when you know what you are doing anyway.

Yes, she is one one of my favourites. Ive been working on a few more based on real life models, so I shall have to see if they are worth posting more up.

Suggestions / Re: What would you like next?
« on: October 31, 2011, 01:18:26 AM »
Anal would be good. Some various toys, sibian as well.

Suggestions / Re: What kind of hair styles do you want?
« on: October 31, 2011, 01:16:57 AM »

Not sure. WE just did a search for bob haircuts and she popped up. But yes, she is cute, isn't she?

Please let me know if you see any more, particularly without glasses. I like using photos as a basis for making sexsim characters, and she is quite attractive as you say.

Characters / Re: Liz
« on: October 31, 2011, 01:14:24 AM »
Nice work. Particularly like the way you have done the nipples.

I noticed they have some relatively nice clip art for tattoos on rendererotica. I used some for a model I made.

Characters / Re: Manu-Brazillian Model
« on: October 24, 2011, 10:05:04 AM »
Thanks you. :)

 I had wondered whether to upload it, as it does use composites of photographs found online. However I understand that if you only utilize less than 20 percent of an image, or substantially change its use then its ok.

Needless to say if anyone takes exception to her I will remove it.

Hope you all enjoy her.

Characters / Manu-Brazillian Model
« on: October 24, 2011, 08:31:10 AM »
A little something ive put together. Particularly pleased with the eyes which I kitbashed from some texture file I found online. Let me know what you think.

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