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Messages - Giselle

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SexSim 2 General Discussion / Re: Roadmap
« on: December 02, 2019, 12:35:15 PM »
There's a fairly loose roadmap but nothing super set in stone. Mostly I'm working on the Character Editor and getting this first release bugs and performance issues worked out. We'll also be doing various improvements and additions to the core game over time to make it the best experience we can make it be.

As you might know, we sort of partnered up with the owner of SexSim (we sold it to him back around 2012 and have worked with him on it since) for this new game, and have a set number of add-ons we're contracted to create over the coming months, but what those add-ons will be is mostly up to us. When we started talking about making the game, he wanted us to make it as if it were totally our own, so we did that.

There will be at least four tools, including the Character Editor, so you can use your imagination for the others. If anyone has suggestions, please do post them, by the way. Aside from tools we will also be releasing animations, characters, environments, etc. so there's a pretty full plate as far as what's to come. After that we will be creating even more add-ons, for presumably years to come.

Anyway, that's not really a solid roadmap, I know, but hopefully it gives you some idea about our commitment to the game and how much we're putting into it as time goes on. :)

SexSim 2 General Discussion / Re: Let's get this party started!
« on: December 02, 2019, 12:27:17 PM »
Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving and weekend (if you do that sort of thing!)

I'm currently working on the next patch and have tried to squeeze even more performance out of it, so as soon as that's ready I'll put it out there. Also trying to get a Mac version ready so fingers crossed that it will be available for download soon.

Again, thank you for your comments and suggestions! I'm diving into the code and sometimes won't properly resurface for days, haha. Still here, though, just likely a lot more quiet for a bit. :)

SexSim 2 General Discussion / Re: Let's get this party started!
« on: November 27, 2019, 08:55:06 PM »
Thanks for the comments, everyone!

I've uploaded a new build for testing, here: https://sexsim2.com/_files/_test/SexSim2_1.001_Test_setup.exe

If you're having troubles, please try it out. Did some hard core optimizing that I hope will help smooth things out. Plus, in Visual settings there are some new sliders and toggles, for terrain density, sky reflection, etc. so please do try those to see if it helps more. You can get to settings quickly, even on the start screen, by hitting ESC and then clicking "options".

Please let me know what happens.

Thanks also for trying FLSM. Glad it runs good and you like it!

As far as FFM, MMF, and other multi-partner options, yes, we do plan to explore that down the road, and I made sure to code things in so it can be done fairly smoothly once we get to it.

Anyway, I'm off for now. Been working since release to smooth out these issues some of you are having, and I'm looking forward to kicking back tomorrow for Thanksgiving and just enjoying the day. I hope the same for you all. Have a great one! I'll be back later. :)

SexSim 2 General Discussion / Re: Let's get this party started!
« on: November 26, 2019, 09:30:53 AM »
Unfortunately, my system honestly can BARELY handle loading this game, and it definitely can't handle playing it...

My system is unusual in that I am running the game on a Parallels Desktop setup from MacOS 10.14.6. So my processor and card info might not be as meaningful, but I have a 10-core 3GHz Intel Xeon W with 64GB RAM running a Radeon Pro Vega 64 16GB and 64-bit Windows 7. I know it's not a PC gamer setup, but it runs SexSim1 (and the competing SV2) with no problems or hiccups whatsoever.

In this particular case I think it's just the fact that you're running a virtualized Windows desktop to run a higher spec Windows game on a Mac. The good news is, we are currently working on a Mac native version, so as soon as that is ready I can let you know. Hopefully that will work out better for you.

...also having some issue on rendering the game, (did try to tune down the graphic in the game option but doesn't help much, result still the same, slow & lagging)
- Each time when try to switch the character, it take a bit loading time
- Character movement is like frame by frame slow motion till hard to control the cursor movement...etc etc

below are my desktop spec fyi, although is a low spec compare to current real gamer :) but still it able to load & run smoothly with Sim 1 without issue

    CPU:                  Intel i5-6400 2.7GHz Quad Core Processor (4 Core 4 Thread)
    MEMORY:            Kingston DDR4 16GB 2133Mhz
    MOTHERBOARD: Asus Socket 1151 H170 Pro Gaming
    HDD:                  SSD (C:) Crucial                    MX500     1TB

I'm going to be doing some tuning for the first patch, to put in more controls over the various graphics options. Hopefully that will smooth things out for you. We had some older, weaker systems during beta testing but the worst that happened on those was the game was so slow it wasn't worth playing, or it just stuttered a bit but was still totally playable. We didn't encounter anything like floating eyeballs, haha. Definitely going to look into that!

For both of you, real quick question: Are you able to run our other game Future Love Space Machine? That game came out in 2015 and I'm curious how it performs on your systems. It's closer in graphics requirements than the older (2010) Sex Sim 1. If you could try that out and let me know how it runs, that would help.


- Is the upcoming new content & features having ability to let player change the "scene sunlight" ? what i mean is changing scene on morning (with sea bird sound), afternoon or night :D

- Is there any custom Character or clothing editor provided to player later on ? just like sim 1

We've got a weather/environment control tool in the works, as well as a character editor and clothing editor. You'll be covered on all fronts. :)

Thanks so much everyone for your comments and reports! Releasing a new game can sometimes be a bit rocky as there will always be instances where problems come up. We appreciate your patience in bearing with us while we tweak things a bit more so you can get the full smooth experience.

I'm working on the first patch/update as we speak, so it won't be long.  :)

SexSim 2 General Discussion / Re: Let's get this party started!
« on: November 25, 2019, 01:44:36 PM »
Thank you for your thoughts, fr3dxxx. :)

Several good suggestions in there, so we've taken note and you'll likely see some of them implemented in the updates we'll be doing.

The two user systems are distinct from one another so there's no way to tie a SexSim account into a SexSim2 account. I'll put a message about that on the sign-up/login pages so it's more clear.

As far as performance goes, this new game does require a bit more system beef than the original, and we'll be making improvements to performance as more reports to come in about it from different setups. Could you let me know what kind of system you are running? Video card, CPU, and RAM info would be great.

Thanks again!

SexSim 2 General Discussion / Let's get this party started!
« on: November 24, 2019, 07:44:38 PM »
If you've tried out the new SexSim 2, we'd love to know what you think.  :)

Announcements / SexSim 2 is here!
« on: November 24, 2019, 07:42:27 PM »

After over a year and a half of work, we are very proud to present the next chapter in SexSim... SexSim 2!

Please check it out at https://sexsim2.com and let us know what you think. We've got a bunch more cool stuff coming really soon, so keep an eye out!

We'll have more news and info as the days go on, and if you have any questions in the mean time please ask in the new SexSim 2 section of this forum. :)

General Discussion / Re: Sex Sim 2
« on: November 08, 2019, 04:27:44 PM »
Wow, I haven't been here in a while.  I have however, been checking in form time to time and was happy to see that sex sim 2 was a thing. What's more, not that far off!  This month in fact, looking forward to playing it!
Nice to see you hydron :) SexSim2 is indeed on the way this month! Sitting here finishing up some final things as we speak. See you there!

General Discussion / Re: Sex Sim 2
« on: October 18, 2019, 04:32:04 PM »
We've given it some thought, yes, but have to discuss it some more to see how that would affect the modding system, etc. There's a lot that has to be done to a game to make it ready for Steam, and since our games tend to be highly moddable it adds some extra layers of difficulty to get them ready for it. It's under consideration, though, for sure.

General Discussion / Re: Sex Sim 2
« on: September 12, 2019, 05:37:39 PM »

Any update on progress? I can't be the only one checking sexsim2.com twice per day... ^-^ :) 8)
Just wrapping things up for release right now. The final stretch with a new game always takes longer than expected, but we're super close. I'll post here soon with more info.

General Discussion / Re: Sex Sim 2
« on: August 29, 2019, 11:17:27 AM »
So happy to see that Sex Sim is getting a sequel.

Any chance there will be cumshots/creampies in Sex Sim 2?
Yes we are working on visible cum. Using actual fluid simulation this time so it will be more organic. Not sure if it will be in the initial release since we're bursting at the seams to get it out to you all and the cum still needs some work, but it will be coming soon, for sure. :)

General Discussion / Re: Sex Sim 2
« on: August 21, 2019, 01:35:57 PM »
Just wanted to chime in that I am very excited too! I totally understand that this will be a whole new engine and we will have to start over with our add-on library. Maybe there can be deals for a large add-on purchase all at once?
The new version will have less add-ons at the start than the original version, and we will be adding more and more over time. The original version only had a few at the start and it took a few years to get to the number of add-ons it has now. So there won't likely be any large add-on purchases at the beginning, but yes it might be nice to set up some kind of special deal for getting it all at once. I'll add that to the wish-list and see what we can do. :)

Anyway, just voicing my support here. I'm glad this is getting revamped and am really looking forward to the new game!

One last thing: is there an appropriate forum somewhere to list "things I'd like to see ASAP in Sex Sim 2"? I'd hate to waste forum space or your inbox.
I'll set up a section here closer to release and we're still trying to decide whether to keep all Sex Sim related discussions here on this site or set up a new forum on the SexSim2 web site. It's up in the air right now. But yes once it's out we will definitely open up the door to suggestions. This will be a long time project that we plan on working with for the next several years, so there will be plenty of room for new additions and improvements down the line.

We're also focusing heavily on user-created content just like with the original, and I've been making sure the code base keeps that in mind.

General Discussion / Re: Sex Sim 2
« on: August 12, 2019, 04:32:37 PM »
I saw the announcement that there will be a Sex Sim 2 and was surprised and intrigued. I don’t know how far along you guys are in developing it...
We're super close to release! Just really finishing up a bunch of little things that need fixing/finessing, and we hope to be done within the month (barring any unforeseen problems, which is always a danger in game dev)

Will the add-ons we already have (such as positions, camera angles, hair changer and other features) carry over to Sex Sim 2 in the form of equivalent features? As for characters and locations, it seems more understandable if they’re all new. Also, I was wondering if there will be a new character editor for customizing the models and things like that...
Sex Sim 2 is totally new from the ground up so there are some features that are carried over, some that aren't, and some that are completely new to Sex Sim.

Positions are all new, so old ones won't work, because the character system is also all new. The new positions are more dynamic and physically active than the originals, and we're really happy with them. Viv, the animator for the originals, is the animator on the new ones, so her style and flair for sexiness definitely carried over.

There will be a character editor, and it's currently being worked on. In the mean time, if people want to mess around with character changes, the new system is based on the old one, where character details are stored in easy to edit XML files, so the more adventurous creators out there can mess around with that before the official editor is out. If like the Sex Sim Character Editor, and you've seen rhe character editor we made for our game Future Love Space Machine, you can see that we really love making character editors, so the Sex Sim 2 one should be pretty awesome. :)

The camera system is new and will allow for lots of different angles.

Hair changer will be coming along down the road in the form of a hair designer tool. That's the idea with that one, at lease, because that tool is only in the very early stages. The plan is so that people can make their own hair styles to use and share. So that will of course have hair changing.

So yes, everything is new, and we also tried to maintain the spirit of the original, so it's a nice mix.

It was very interesting to see the new feature of being able to make the characters walk around and also being able to customize the environment...
Excellent, yes, I'm glad you like that! The environment editor will be available at release, so people can start using that right away and sharing their environments. It'll be super fun to see what you all come up with. And with characters walking around and doing things, there's room for a lot more characterization in addition to the sex.

I am looking forward to seeing more of Sex Sim 2. Thanks for making it happen  :)
Awesome, thank you! We look forward to hearing what you think. :)

Announcements / Sex Sim 2!
« on: August 08, 2019, 02:15:58 PM »
You read that title correctly... Sex Sim 2 is right around the corner! We've been working super hard behind the scenes to make this the best Sex Sim it can be, and we know you won't be disappointed.

This is just a quick teaser to let you know what's coming, and after some final polishing we'll have the full game ready for download very soon. In the mean time, please enjoy a few selections showing what's in store. These images are hot off the press, and there may be changes before release since we're still working on it.

Right now we're working hard to get everything finished up, but we're really really close to release and we'll definitely have more news super soon. Enjoy!

The following are video GIF links, so click them to see video:


Check out this video of the environment editor:

General Discussion / Re: Man. This forum is electric!
« on: May 08, 2019, 06:51:53 PM »
Thanks for joining us. There should be some new activity starting up again soon... ;)

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