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Messages - ak3566

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General Discussion / Re: More Locations?
« on: February 20, 2012, 08:40:35 AM »
I like the idea of a daytime version of sunset beach too. It is a great location as it is, but like Isla Del Sol, it initially turned me off because it might be too dark. I would also like to suggest an office-type of setting and a bedroom-type of setting as well.  :)

Jak added in some awesome lighting/camera effects with this patch. The nightwision one is great for making it like a celeb sex vid or otherwise voyeur-istic.  :o  And, I forget the name right now, but the effect works for flashbacks which I wanted to work into a story sometime.  :)

Suggestions / Re: What would you like next?
« on: February 20, 2012, 08:34:13 AM »
I agree with Isla Del Sol's and Thrillmonkey's suggestions as well. Along the lines of the pose editor, I would also suggest a dual pose editor because sometimes it can be hard getting the couple posed. Oh, and also, threesome (MMF and MFF) and/or foursomes too.   :)

Suggestions / Re: Renewed suggestion: male-on-female oral
« on: February 20, 2012, 08:29:30 AM »
I know Jak said he wanted to work on more animations. This would be a great add!

Characters / Re: Gypsy Blue.... jewel from the east!
« on: February 20, 2012, 08:26:34 AM »
I want to try her out! Before I do, are there any requirements to use her?

Suggestions / another thought
« on: January 25, 2012, 01:35:55 PM »
Again, perhaps another lofty goal or idea, but I thought: what about making sex sim more interactive where players interact with each other; perhaps something akin to Red Light Center or Achat? The idea was so that couples in a long distance relationship or with one or more traveling members can enjoy some sexy time together. Or even a couple that lives together can enjoy it too.

How to make things for Sex Sim / Re: Animations
« on: January 24, 2012, 07:16:36 AM »
Are you referring to the xml files for the animations? (in /Runtime/_aData/animations)

Stories / Re: Storyboards
« on: January 24, 2012, 07:07:31 AM »
* '.' *  But thanks for the info on ThriXXX. My point was how there is ThriXXX and the lack of competition. I tried their product but I got dissapointed with it quickly after seeing Jak's Sex Sim. The biggest feature of 3d SexVilla 2 that I liked was the ability to make movies as you describe. It is the top feature I would love to see for Sex Sim! Though, I do understand it will take a massive undertaking for Jak.

Suggestions / Re: What would you like next?
« on: January 24, 2012, 06:43:44 AM »
Not sure how appropriate the below is, but Jak is welcome to move this.

Unlike JoeSimpossible, I played this game first then tried ThriXXX's games. I was immediately disappointed.
  • I had to pay to uncensor it.
  • I had to pay to do pretty much anything.
  • I only had two ladies and one man.
  • I could only choose one sex position for guy+gal, gal+gal, or all three.
  • It had inferior graphics.
  • The UI was less straightforward.

Oh! And it was so lame how all their games were really the same game >.> . I just intended to share a first opinion of someone that went the opposite way. Try out some of the user created content posted on this forum. It did not take me too long to figure out how it worked. For example, take a look at the xml files in Notepad. Plus Jak does a great job being open on how to modify the clothes, ladies, and make new ones!  ;)

Outfits / Re: More stockings and socks
« on: January 10, 2012, 05:43:47 AM »
I would like to make something similar as well. However, they would not meet up. The stockings reach up to maybe ~2/3 the way down the thighs while the bottom reaches down barely past the pelvis.

Stories / Re: Storyboards
« on: January 04, 2012, 02:03:22 PM »
It is the same for me! They all start as ideas, stories, and images in my head. That is where the real fun lies! Later, I try to put them to paper (...erm computer land) and now that I have this Sex Sim, I can try to add some pics to it.  :eyebrows:

NMM, I am curious. When you work on the stories, do you feel that things get lost in translation so to speak? I feel that way a lot. I am not sure, maybe I need more practice still.

I agree, any company looking to sponsor someone would be remiss to pass up Jak and Sex Sim! I am worried if they see something such as 3D SexVilla with its higher user population and variety and overlook Sex Sim's superior quality.

Jak, I am not sure if you have the financial ability, but you might look into having a booth at an adult entertainment expo or convention. I am sure that would really help get the name out there.  :)

I am unsure though. The developer team or sponsor may take it in a direction Jak does not agree with. Also the market for games like Sex Sim seems so underpopulated and underattended to. It surprises me that the porn industry does not pick up on it. I am sure they are keen on their dvd selling based business but this could easily earn them money as well. What with all the porn piracy, they are loosing revenue they would have been getting. And also I often run into the problem that I have a story or idea in my head but I have trouble finding a video or something to match it. I know that seems surprising with all the content out there, but it is not quite so easy to search through for a purpose like that. Plus I do not want the director's interpretation. I want my own. Hence my search for a "make your own video" type of thing lead me here.

Stories / Re: Indian Lessons
« on: January 04, 2012, 06:12:40 AM »
I finished your story. I have to say "Wow, Mohini is such a teaser!" As always, you did a great job with the vivid imagery and character development.  *kind of jealous*  :D

Stories / Re: Storyboards
« on: January 04, 2012, 06:09:14 AM »
NMM can probably speak more to this than I. However, I think anything that helps move it to being to a full fledged authoring platform for the user to create his or her own pornographic or erotic movie. "Make your own porn. Make your fantasies come to life." Make your own story and share it. The raw sex has its own appeal, yes, but adding a story gives it character and context. That type of deal. I detailed a basic idea in the suggestions section. I truely hope it was not taken the wrong way. I realize this is a massive undertaking. As you can imagine this requires giving the user not just massive control over the content, but also the content to control. I believe Jak works very hard at both. NMM is right, until Jak can get a larger team working on this, we can only wait for his work. We also have the duty to enourage him. One man working alone is very tough. *a big thumbs up to Jak*

Suggestions / Re: My thought
« on: January 04, 2012, 05:41:46 AM »
I agree, Jak and his wife did a lot and well!   :o

It could also be that features like the view controller, poser, sequencer, the ability to make custom animations and locations be available through paid addons. Also, I notice that the clothes and ladies that are builtin or available from the addons shop are of superb quality. Providing locations, characters, clothes, and animations in such reliable quality via paid addons is totally reasonable too. Few can or are talented in making these. So you can have the user created ones, and the professional ones too. :)

Also, another idea for paid addon could be improved dialogue/voice acting/give the characters their own voices (this really adds to their personality), an text-to-speech engine to even the ability to add your own. I am painfully aware of just how difficult it is to both find one and develop one.

Suggestions / Re: What would you like next?
« on: January 03, 2012, 03:27:29 PM »
Yeah, an initial 'penetration' animation could be nice. Say, when you set the 'speed' slider down to the lowest the guy pulls out and they idle until the speed is turned up and he penetrates her again (and start the speed on the lowest each time you press 'Go' or even on changing positions.

This is a great suggestion! It should definitely start out at the "stopped" end of the speed spectrum. And hopefully it can incorporate having him shooting his cum on the lady(ies) or whatever is there.

Suggestions / Re: My thought
« on: January 03, 2012, 03:23:38 PM »
Hmm, I don't think this takes into account the business model for Sex Sim.

Currently it works with you getting the very basic package for free, and add on each of the animation packs and customiser options by buying them. I think Jak's been very generous with this model, and with the amount of customisation possible, as if people are making their own content for the game they're not buying the stuff he's made.
I think with your model it would be much too easy for people to just download the free version, maybe buy the modifier addons, then make whatever they wanted for free, cutting Jak out of the loop so he earns much less for all his hard work.

Just as it is, you get to buy the things that interest you, and pay for what you're going to use, and I think it works very well, especially as it's just one guy making all this high-quality stuff! I know we all have lists of stuff we'd like to see added, but unless you want to donate a huge sum to help Jak hire people and start a proper studio, I think we'll just have to wait for him to finish new and exciting additions to the Sim in his own time!

Also, to Jak, thanks again for adopting this free-to-play-paid-addons setup for Sex Sim, it's so much more user-friendly and neat than the average premium erotica's 'give us your credit card info now have a half-baked and poorly-supported "finished" product', I hope it's working well for you running it!

In no way did I mean to be ungrateful!
You are right, it does not agree with the business model.  :-\

I really like the idea of user created content. Not to rip off Jak and his wife, but for incorporating users' wishes, creativity, and the community building it leads to. Lately, I too have been wondering about the profitability. The main software, 3DS Max, itself costs ~3500$. Then add in all the labor, opportunity cost of working elsewhere (though I can tell Jak and his wife had a passion for this project ;) ), etc.... Jak and his wife have done a wonderful job with this. Sex Sim deerves to shine! It is way more user-friendly than 3D SexVilla 2, etc.. They may have way more variety, but I just abhorred thriXXX's interface. And I could practically do nothing with it!

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