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Topics - Bossman1990

Pages: [1]
Unofficial Sex Sim Support / Help please ^_^
« on: December 25, 2013, 09:28:14 PM »
Hello Everyone I am fairly new here.   Today I installed  the game and I don't know why but it seems stuck, or the log in button is not working for me.
 The steps  I did/ do in order.

Step:1 was install the game into a folder ( while still being in its download folder.)
Step:2 Start up game make sure Username/password are right...
Step:3 Wait for pop up/ check settings and windowed mode options. then press play.
Step:4 try to click Log in.....
Sadly that's where it stops. :/  All of the other buttons seem to work perfectly fine, I can click on Register, ( not login...) Forgot password,  remember login info and even the little thing at the bottom that says check files. I can type in my password and username and nothing.. its not even telling me password is wrong or username is wrong or anything its like it doesnt register  the clicking of login in. I tried restarting the computer but it didn't seem to help me at all.

Pages: [1]
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