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Topics - LazeeDragon

Pages: [1]
Outfits / Where did it go?
« on: September 06, 2013, 04:18:36 AM »
Hey what happened to all the user created outfits go that were in the main sexsims download page? The reason i ask is i logged in and was quite surprised that they were  almost all gone! racer had quite a few and some i wanted to download but did not have the time at the time today i finally had some time and whoa nothin there??
so confused

hope u have a wonderful day ^^

Characters / More new girls to play with ^^
« on: February 26, 2013, 01:26:39 PM »
Here is where i will be adding more girls here that do not work in the editor...flat chested or any others that cannot be uploaded with the editor :) so check back :) i have also gotten better the new files should work without any modifications Woo Hoo! i am on a learning curve LOL!

Here is Casey i made her with ppp renamed files and figured out how to make the meter icon :)
directions and info r in the readme_LD txt file hope u enjoy her :)
i forgot to rename a few things in her .xml file...duh! lol u will need to open up the .xml file and in image and name of character and put her name in the tags...sorry bout that but it was my 1st time i had to open up catt file to find out why the icon was not showing up :/ any how that is all i had to do :) use notepad, wordpad or browser to edit the name. since she is "flat chested" the editor won't work just fyi :)

2 new girls in the same file :) hope u like them ^^


Pages: [1]
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