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Topics - NMM

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I eagerly downloaded the new Anime characters and new location, tried each out, played around with the editor a little, and left it on the new Kinbaku room, using one of my old Custom girls but equipped with an Auburn recolour of the new Toony Too hairstyle. Now I can't get into the game - it hangs forever on load, when it gets to 'Loading hair for [Custom Girl]'

Suggestions / Future direction
« on: April 28, 2014, 08:50:56 AM »
Hey awesome SexSim devs!
Just really wondering what the plans are for the future of this game, as it's wonderful although seems to have slowed down a fair bit the longer it's been around. Are people still working on it, and is it an in-development concern, or just a side project for 'when you have time'?

Just a suggestion for if it's more the latter, why not make the focus more on higher-price modding addons, like the girl editor, but for guys, animations and rooms? Then, you don't need to update so much, but the community can build up the content and keep the game going without so much time dedication from development (and, indeed, free up resources for even bigger engine and content improvements if you are working hard on new things :) )

Stories / A new style!
« on: May 12, 2013, 12:56:52 PM »
Hey! It's been a while, and finally got the inspiration and time to put these screenshots I've had for ages together the way I wanted: a Sex Sim story in Strip form! Also to learn enough GIMP to botch it all together ;) apologies for awful layouts!


General Discussion / Dirty Sexy
« on: July 26, 2012, 10:21:00 AM »
Loving the new animations pack Jak, it's really hot! I've not had long to check it out, but I'll have a play around with it later, so far so awesome though!

One thing I have noticed, I couldn't get the 'Gateway Arch' pose to work, whenever I select it the camera just turns black, and then I can't select any other poses without getting the same blank screen without restarting the whole program. The others seem to work ok though!

Are you still working on the pose editor idea btw?

Stories / It's good to be the Boss! Part 3
« on: June 11, 2012, 03:22:53 PM »
The third, final, and longest part of the Joanne story!

Any requests for anything else?  ;)

Stories / It's good to be the Boss! Part 2
« on: March 25, 2012, 05:19:28 AM »
Had a nice quiet weekend and managed to get part 2 finished too :)

Enjoying it so far?!

Part 3 will have some actual 'being the boss' in it XD

Stories / It's good to be the Boss! Part 1
« on: March 23, 2012, 02:56:22 PM »
At last! The first part of 3 (assuming the next 2 don't get too big!) of the long-awaited story featuring Joanne!


Suggestions / Hair and clothes tech
« on: March 09, 2012, 11:41:54 AM »
Watched this this morning, looks fancy and sparkly, but I thought of Sex Sim when they mentioned that it's supported by Unity:


Dunno how easy it would be to integrate or how much it would put the performance specs of the game up by, or what horrifying licensing charge they'd have, but nice to dream ;)

Characters / Shannon
« on: February 20, 2012, 11:00:20 AM »
Here's a character who's a sneak preview of a story I'm working on, designed to be the daughter of the official character Joanne. Enjoy!

Note, she uses the skin from the character Faye, who is a user-made girl by forumite TempestKilday (very nice pale freckly look btw!) so you'll need to grab her as well!


Requirements: (you need these to use this character)
Note: You can click a red link to search for a given item.  If it's a user_created character you need, then this forum will be searched.  If it's an official Ripened Peach character then the Add-Ons shop will be searched.  If it's a hair style then the Add-Ons shop will open up with a link to the character that the hairstyle comes with.
Download the attached zip file and unzip it into your Sex Sim installation directory (most likely C:\Sex Sim) while Sex Sim is not running.  When you start Sex Sim again you should see Shannon in the character selection menu.

Characters / Beta characters
« on: February 09, 2012, 04:56:32 PM »
Just thought I'd post the characters I made during the Beta testing the character customiser, as they're on the preview page for it!

Carina is a mod of Elissa's skin and requires Tiffany's hair, or the hair styler addon to pick your own.
Jenny is a mod of Kendra's skin and requires Bella's hair. Also is a gnome!

Characters / Queen's Blade video response (anime girl?)
« on: February 09, 2012, 04:50:20 PM »
Drifter posted in the general discussion about the Queen's Blade MMO character customiser, so I made as close as I could manage to the first character shown in there:


Requirements: (you need these to use this character)
Note: You can click a red link to search for a given item.  If it's a user_created character you need, then this forum will be searched.  If it's an official Ripened Peach character then the Add-Ons shop will be searched.  If it's a hair style then the Add-Ons shop will open up with a link to the character that the hairstyle comes with.
Download the attached zip file and unzip it into your Sex Sim installation directory (most likely C:\Sex Sim) while Sex Sim is not running.  When you start Sex Sim again you should see Queen in the character selection menu.

General Discussion / APB Reloaded
« on: January 10, 2012, 01:44:53 PM »
So I was reminded in the 'MAC version' thread that I'd been playing APB Reloaded since it went Free-To-Play, and found that the Character Customiser is really deep and detailed! So, I gave it some time to attempt to make as cute a girl as I could, looking forward to Jak's upcoming character editing function for the Sim though!

Here's Carinah, in her fancy Christmas custom dress :)

Guarding the objectives:

Dropping some moves, yo:

Not the most genteel of ladies!

Stories / Indian Lessons
« on: January 02, 2012, 03:33:20 PM »
As promised, here's a story I wrote a couple of years ago, freshly modified with screenshots from Sex Sim, thanks too to pronzilla for making the Asha and Priya skins so I could bring my old story to life!

(Any got any tips for making the file size smaller? The screenshots are just from-the-sim jpegs and I don't want to reduce the quality much more. I got a PDF converter, but converting this story to PDF made it 100k larger)

Outfits / Creampie stopgap idea
« on: September 27, 2011, 11:07:13 AM »
I was having a look at the clothing texture files, and I thought it would be pretty easy to make an outfit that is basically the results of a creampie/cumshot over the boobs, to supplement the current blowjob cum splash and pre-empt any upcoming creampie features.

It'd mean the girl would have to start nude then you can put on the appropriate 'clothing' when you want, or just for taking screenshots with more cum effects than those currently available.

I had a brief go at making one of these myself but it appears I'd need Photoshop to edit a PNG file to have the right alpha channels to have the 'cum overlaid on skin' effect, and some artistic talent to make it look like cum - neither of which I have :(

So, anyone with both those things available able to give this a go? It'd be awesome!

Stories / Terri's Diary
« on: July 12, 2011, 04:03:53 PM »
The counterpart to Ricardo's Journal. I wrote that first but it doesn't matter what order you read them in!
Apologies if the font's annoying, I wanted to go for 'girly diary' effect and that's the best I could find that stood out. If it's hindering reading it just highlight and change it :)


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