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SexSim 2 Support / Reset Password
« Last post by Studmuffin1137 on December 23, 2022, 04:34:01 PM »
I know i shouldnt post for help with password here i know you have a help desk but i tryed your reset tool i have checked your email and i have submitted several tickes but i am not getting emails from them i dont know why can someone get in contact with me here my username is Studmuffin1137
SexSim 2 General Discussion / New upadates
« Last post by Studmuffin1137 on December 27, 2021, 07:11:09 PM »
Are there any sort of new updates coming down the pipeline?
SexSim 2 General Discussion / Re: Is this still being developed?
« Last post by pitit1 on July 12, 2021, 09:10:48 AM »
We just released the latest update, so please take a look! The hair bug mentioned above has been fixed in this new version, btw. :)

Cool, I'll take a look!

Are there changelogs anywhere?

I'd like to follow the development, but as long as some key features for me aren't added I'm not really interested in downloading the game (like POV Cam)
SexSim 2 General Discussion / Re: Is this still being developed?
« Last post by Giselle on July 08, 2021, 05:37:28 AM »
We just released the latest update, so please take a look! The hair bug mentioned above has been fixed in this new version, btw. :)
SexSim 2 General Discussion / Re: Is this still being developed?
« Last post by Studmuffin1137 on June 27, 2021, 01:08:52 PM »
Sadly I dont think so that hair bug with the hawian girl has been there since that most recent update if it is still being developed they are not very good at updating the community which sucks i still have peach points to spend but nothign to spend them on
SexSim 2 General Discussion / Is this still being developed?
« Last post by pitit1 on June 12, 2021, 11:12:31 PM »
There has not really been any activity here for a year or so...

Is this still being developed? I was actually pretty excited about a sequel :(
SexSim 2 General Discussion / New Updates comming
« Last post by Studmuffin1137 on January 30, 2021, 08:47:01 PM »
Will there ever be any new updates? or bug fixes?
SexSim 2 General Discussion / Re: House addon
« Last post by Studmuffin1137 on November 21, 2020, 05:28:06 PM »
My charecters hair is glitched too but this time i dont have a texture at all oof
SexSim 2 General Discussion / House addon
« Last post by hydron on October 16, 2020, 06:54:04 PM »
Very nice! I thing you mentioned it a while ago, so it is great to finally see it!

A few bus with it though potentially.

Addons don't seem to worth with it.  I want to change some characters and found that they weren't there.  They are also gone, outfits and actions too, if you switch back to the island.  I also noticed that none of my addon actions were available in the new room. some of them should have been there at least. however, it is also understood that some poses will be usable in some places, but not others.

Switching places to the island from the new room was also an instance in which my addons were no longer there. Restarting the game restored them.

One other bug I noticed No really worth stating a new topic for, is that Aahana's Hair in game is a very bright blue, where as her profile pic shows it as black.  So I'd guess that this a a visual glitch.
SexSim 2 General Discussion / Re: Stay Safe!
« Last post by Studmuffin1137 on October 02, 2020, 01:00:01 PM »
Does any one know when this update is going to release if ever?
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