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Messages - pronzilla

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Unofficial Sex Sim Support / Re: Pronzilla's People Permuter
« on: January 04, 2016, 02:16:39 PM »
Looks like to me the problem is with java. Try reinstalling java see if that fixes it

Much as I like to blame Oracle for things, I suspect this one's on me.  Even if the data file it's trying to read is dodgy somehow, it really shouldn't blow up like that...

Unofficial Sex Sim Support / Re: Pronzilla's People Permuter
« on: January 04, 2016, 02:13:54 PM »
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "1,225"

Is that a comma?  What language is the default on your machine?

OK, the problem there is that it's trying to read the xml config files for your existing girls, and finding something it doesn't like (the comma, I suspect).

I've got a whole bunch of questions, which will hopefully help me work out what's going on in there.

Those files are in [your Sex Sim dir]\Runtime\user_created\characters and [your Sex Sim dir]\Runtime\_aData\characters.  If you could have a look, and work out which file/files have commas.  If you see a pattern (like, if it's only files that you've edited, or only files that were created by PPP) let me know.

Is it just the boobsize values that have commas, or do other numbers have them too?

Is this the first time you've used PPP, or have you successfully run it once (or more) before it blew up?

Unofficial Sex Sim Support / Re: Pronzillas Permutor
« on: July 26, 2015, 01:11:10 PM »
Yay for getting it working, have fun.

Thanks; I never really went totally away, but I've always been a lurker by nature, and don't check in that often these days...

Unofficial Sex Sim Support / Re: Pronzillas Permutor
« on: July 22, 2015, 01:29:13 PM »
Do you have a java runtime installed?  If not, download/install it from

The permutor download should have given you a file called "ppp.jar".  Just put that in a convenient folder, and double-click it.  The first launch will be slow, because it needs to find your sex sim installation (you can speed that up by putting the "convenient folder" near you sex sim folder) but later launches should be quicker, because it remembers)

(also, for the safety of your system, look in your start menu for "configure java"  Launch that, select the "security" tab, and un-tick the "enable java content in the browser" box.  you can also disable the plugin directly in your browser)

Suggestions / Re: Things that I htink would really enhance the game
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:00:15 PM »
one apparently simple idea I've always wanted for the girl-girl mode is an in-game button to simply swap the two girls around, rather than having to bail to the menu and manually swap them and their outfits...

Unofficial Sex Sim Support / Re: New update?
« on: January 16, 2014, 01:36:40 PM »
all working fine for me; got the update with no trouble (what's in there, BTW?) and can log in OK.

Suggestions / Re: What would you like next?
« on: October 22, 2013, 12:44:24 PM »
Glad to help.

On the face modding, I see the old PPP, (Puementator?) is gone, replaced by the new interface.  The face modding seems to be rather centered oriented. (?)  As I recall the old Ponzella's Program had more sharp variables.  Is it still available, or is it a conflict.  If yes, is there a link?

Sorry, but I don't understand the question?

Suggestions / Re: What would you like next?
« on: October 21, 2013, 12:10:33 PM »
Second I would like the ability to take a snapshot WITHOUT the items left in the picture (model mini pic for example) Most of the menu items can be shrunk in, but a clutter-free snapshot would be great!!

If you mean the GUI icons, just hit "tab". (with apologies if you already knew that and meant something else)

Suggestions / Re: What would you like next?
« on: October 19, 2013, 12:35:40 PM »
The idea that keeps popping into my head for "clothing getting out of the way of the action" is that the way the current clothes work (change the texture) isn't the best way to do it.  Why not keep the texture the same, but deform the model/mesh? 

That way, the texture artist only has to do it once.  Ok, the modeller has to do it twice, but right now modders can only do textures.

(usual disclaimer: I know diddly-squat about 3d graphics/modelling)

Suggestions / Re: My wish list
« on: October 06, 2013, 01:30:12 PM »
p : Random Pose
Woohoo!  The number of time's I've idly wished for that and failed to bother to even mention it....

Suggestions / Re: What kind of hair styles do you want?
« on: September 18, 2013, 12:35:59 PM »
You can do RGB on hair by editing the XML files.  That said, IIRC it doesn't actually *work* unless you've got the hair styler installed (otherwise it falls back to the style's default colour?)

For example:
Code: [Select]

(PPP actually generates colours like that if you use the "RGB xxx" colour options)

The colour is applied over the "white" hair texture that's available via the hair styler, and it looks a bit "flat" to my eye, but tastes differ.

Having a little bit of a ply, and there's definitely something going on when I add     
Code: [Select]
<BoobFlop>xxx</BoobFlop> to the XML files.

Did something make it in?

How to make things for Sex Sim / Re: How to use the Character Editor
« on: November 02, 2012, 01:37:21 PM »
Oncesailor posted approximately a gazillion fancy coloured eye textures in this thread

Failing that, here's a jpg version of the base eye texture I picked up somewhere along the way...

I don't think I've tweaked it since it did the in-out hokey-cokey when it was first introduced.  I think I'll go have a play...

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