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Messages - Isotemod

Pages: [1]
I probably didn't make myself clear here is a screeensot showing the problem

Is there an additional layer for the bump map for the areola/nipple as there seems to be clash at this point?

Gimp has a normal map plugin which seems to work well.

Here is a pic with an exagerated bump map torso with a mark on the chest created with gimp alone.

Any chance of the correct method of using custom bump maps please.

Bump maps ive tried to load up arn't being found

User Creations / Re: Stockings WIP
« on: October 14, 2010, 06:00:48 PM »
Have you made a seperate mesh for them, or are you just adding them to the limbs.png?

The limb and torso files will have a layer probably in gimp format that can be added, removed and redesigned in the same way as the features in Jak's original files.

Unless of course Jak wants to add an optional overlayed texture which could be activated inagme for all girls.

User Creations / Stockings WIP
« on: October 11, 2010, 08:32:49 PM »
Heres a pic of my stocking work in progress.

Feedback appreciated before I submit

How to make things for Sex Sim / Re: How to make clothes for Sex Sim
« on: October 03, 2010, 10:47:54 AM »
Hi iam new  sorry for my english

but is it possible to make stockings for this game or not

pleas help me

At the moment we can't make stockings.

Once were given the info on making body textures we can add permanent stockings to a texture untill real stockings are implemented.

So very soon you will be able to make your girls look like they have stockings.

How to make things for Sex Sim / Re: Now with bigger girls!
« on: September 29, 2010, 05:35:28 PM »
Thanks for the update.

I noticed you mention some custom character texture compatability what are your plans regarding this as im looking forwarded to creating my personalised girl.

p.s. Is it a biggy to add hair texture too? while we wouldn't be able to change hair shape outside of what we have the basic colour is straight forward and only slightly more complicated to add streaks/highlights etc.

Have a mode which you can manually set how turned on your guys and girls are and a manual orgasm button.

Either as part of or following selecting a position allow manual choice of location rather than having to continue selecting the same position untill it chooses the place you want.(This could be done by hot spots appearing when you press a key and clicking on one moves the action to that location).

Random variation changer can be activated for a position with variations and over time(user defined?) it will automatically shift through randomly the variations for that position(including the default).

Suggestions / Turn about is fair play
« on: August 01, 2010, 05:35:35 AM »
In positions where both members are the same sex can we have a toggle so the giver becomes the reciever. At the moment this obviously only corresponds to girl on girl pack animations at the moment.

As the title says. Not sure if it warrants a new pack of its own or can be bundled with the girl pack but men do need these tools to help satisfy some of our girls.

For clarification the positions are sitting/standing fingering/licking out and there variations.

Unofficial Sex Sim Support / Re: Bug report?
« on: August 01, 2010, 02:09:45 AM »
It's just a side effect of all the animation, physics, etc. going on behind the scenes to make everything happen and occasionally hands will go through breasts, legs, etc during a move.  We programmed the characters to move on their own in addition to the hand animating we did and this is just something that happens as a result.
You must have misunderstood.

In the male/female positions when a guy grabs the girls breast your animation variation stops that breast from swinging free because it is now held.

The settings are simply not set correctly in the female/female variation and it doesnt "hold" the breast. Her hand just cups a location and the breast moves freely.

Ive corrected the problem myself by altering the neccessary Boobspring entries in the relevant animation info files.

Unofficial Sex Sim Support / Bug report?
« on: July 31, 2010, 09:39:33 PM »
I apologise if this is the wrong place but thought i'd highlight a bug/error/omission.

In the Girl on girl animations the variations of some positions that include holding breasts don't prevent the swing of the held breast due to body movement. This is generally in the strap on poses.

I think its fixable ourselves but many people may not be happy with tinkering.

Outfits / Clothing creation
« on: July 30, 2010, 11:16:39 AM »
Well I thought I would post a thumbnail of my first clothing item its designed so that when you remove her top during sex she just opens her blouse untill you remove all her clothing.

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