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Topics - Version5

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General Discussion / Custom Character Creation Help Needed
« on: April 12, 2020, 10:57:29 AM »

Shot in the dark here, but I don't have much else to do anyway....

If anyone is reading this that can offer anything that would help, I would be very grateful.

I've been searching online for months trying to find ways to do this, but apparently I don't know the correct terms to search or there is no help out there.

What I am trying to learn is the process involved with creating custom characters and clothing for SS that I'm not seeing in any of the tutorials in the forum.

Specifically, (and I'm going to use "for lack of a better term" kind of terms here) how to "scrunch" a face/head, body and limbs, and how to "flatten out" clothing items to properly fit the UV meshes. I've attached pics to demonstrate what I'm attempting to describe.

I'm somewhat knowledgeable with Gimp but not with much else.  I have an old version of Unity and a fairly current version of Blender but I don't use them. I might if I knew what the process is called so I could find tutorials etc,

Anyway, any help would be awesome. Thanks.

Stay Safe,

Unofficial Sex Sim Support / "Wrap Me Up" issue
« on: March 06, 2020, 08:28:22 AM »
Ok, so I always thought the penetration on this pose looked somewhat off, but didn't really look too closely until recently.

What I've noticed is that it looks off because the vag is never open.  Is there an ML value that can be changed to fix this?

Unofficial Sex Sim Support / Audio Issues
« on: February 16, 2020, 08:41:56 AM »
I usually screen record and then edit the videos using audio tracks of my choice, so until now, I didn't really care too much about this, but I've been feeling a bit lazy lately so not really bothering to edit, etc.

The issue is that the in game audio cuts out fairly often.  Not sure if it's the sim or an issue with my pc.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


Unofficial Sex Sim Support / Which Add-Ons include these items?
« on: February 16, 2020, 08:31:33 AM »

I've been poling around the folders and tripped over these thumbs for items that I don't have.  Wondering what I need to have to get these.


General Discussion / Hey "guests"! Read me, please
« on: January 08, 2020, 10:58:37 AM »
I have been spending a ridiculous amount of time messing around with the game and on this board.  I notice quite often that there are several "guests" viewing the forum.  Soooooo, Guest, if you are, like myself, new to this old game, but enjoying it, please register and hit me up via pm.  Perhaps we can share tips etc.  There is a lot of info in these forums but for me, there are many things I'm stuck on because I can't find what I need all of the time.

Anyway, say hi.  It's lonely in here.

General Discussion / Late to the party
« on: December 31, 2019, 10:45:04 AM »
Soooo, I don't suppose anyone still does anything with Sexsim any more these days. Literally just found this game a few days ago, and probably should have looked at the forum activity before dropping a handful of cash on peach points.

Sad. Although not up to the level of graphics as some of the newer and expensive subscription games, it runs great on my laptop and looks a lot better than others that I've seen.

I'm interested in learning more about modding but having trouble sifting through the massive collection of posts on how to do that) severe ADHD).

Just a thought, but if the owner(s) of SS were to maybe update it a bit, and offer users some more tools to expand the game, they might start getting a bunch of latecomers like me, coming around and spending $

Anyway, if anyone is out there, let me know that I'm not the only one here. Kinda lonely :(

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