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Author Topic: How to customize pubic hair  (Read 35769 times)

Jak (ripened peach)

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How to customize pubic hair
« on: March 01, 2011, 07:52:10 PM »
As of Sex Sim version 1.0h (March 2011) you can now use custom 3D pubic hair on characters instead of painting it directly onto their body texture.

The relevant lines in the XML files are:

<PubicHair>NUMBER (0 through 22)</PubicHair>
<PubicHair_Color_R>NUMBER (0 through 255)</PubicHair_Color_R>
<PubicHair_Color_G>NUMBER (0 through 255)</PubicHair_Color_G>
<PubicHair_Color_B>NUMBER (0 through 255)</PubicHair_Color_B>

The PubicHair_Color values represent RGB values, which means you have over 16 million colors to choose from for the pubic hair.  Each value goes in the appropriate slot, so the red value, or R goes in the <PubicHair_Color_R> slot, and so forth.

Here's a good tool for finding a color value.  Just use the numbers it gives you from the Red, Green, and Blue boxes and enter them into your XML.

For the pubic hair number, use the following chart:

Please note that if you or the user don't own the Pubic Hair Styler mod, then the pubic hair you have chosen will be converted to one of four default types.  A person using your character (even yourself) will ONLY see some pubic hair styles if they own the Pubic Hair Styler from the add-ons shop.  See the note under the chart for the default values.

* As noted above, if the user doesn't own the Pubic Hair Styler mod, then the pubic types defined in the XML will default to the following:

pubic type 0 defaults to type 0 - "none"
pubic type 1 defaults to type 1
pubic type 2 defaults to type 1
pubic type 3 defaults to type 1
pubic type 4 defaults to type 1
pubic type 5 defaults to type 1
pubic type 6 defaults to type 6
pubic type 7 defaults to type 6
pubic type 8 defaults to type 14
pubic type 9 defaults to type 14
pubic type 10 defaults to type 14
pubic type 11 defaults to type 6
pubic type 12 defaults to type 14
pubic type 13 defaults to type 14
pubic type 14 defaults to type 14
pubic type 15 defaults to type 14
pubic type 16 defaults to type 14
pubic type 17 defaults to type 14
pubic type 18 defaults to type 6
pubic type 19 defaults to type 6
pubic type 20 defaults to type 6
pubic type 21 defaults to type 6
« Last Edit: March 02, 2011, 09:16:01 AM by Jak (ripened peach) »


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Re: How to customize pubic hair
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2011, 01:52:59 AM »
Cool.  And that's a pretty good way to handle the "people without the add-on" issue, too.  Two things:

You say:
Please note that if you or the user don't own the Pubic Hair Styler mod, then the pubic hair you have chosen will be converted to one of four default types

But the list then only mentions three types: 1, 6 and 14.  So is there an error in the list? or should that really "three default types"?  Or is there some other way to get the fourth default version?
(edited to add: aha.  The fourth is presumably "none", which is what you get if there's nothing in the XML file at all, correct?)

Second, is there any easy way PPP could programmatically determine whether someone has the pubic hair mod installed?
Please remix my stuff! Use anything I've posted here as the base for your own work.  Please post it here too!

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Jak (ripened peach)

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Re: How to customize pubic hair
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2011, 09:14:09 AM »
Cool.  And that's a pretty good way to handle the "people without the add-on" issue, too.  Two things:

You say:
Please note that if you or the user don't own the Pubic Hair Styler mod, then the pubic hair you have chosen will be converted to one of four default types

But the list then only mentions three types: 1, 6 and 14.  So is there an error in the list? or should that really "three default types"?  Or is there some other way to get the fourth default version?
(edited to add: aha.  The fourth is presumably "none", which is what you get if there's nothing in the XML file at all, correct?)

Second, is there any easy way PPP could programmatically determine whether someone has the pubic hair mod installed?

Sorry, I should have been more clear.  :)

You're correct, the fourth type is "0" which is no pubic hair, and which is the default value for an XML file with no specific pubic hair chosen.  That option is available for everyone regardless of whether they own the add-on, and keeps the older user-made characters working as they were made, with painted on pubic hair.  I just realized that I accidentally put in the list that type 0 becomes type 1, but I changed it so it makes more sense now.

As far as PPP goes, I'll be sending you a private message with some info on how it can utilize these new add-ons.  I kept it in mind during the coding process.


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