October 05, 2024, 04:47:57 PM

Author Topic: How to create a character in the free game without the Sex Sim VIP Starter set  (Read 12328 times)


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As some of you who have not bought your first add-on yet may have noticed, for you the tutorials in this forum won’t work - at least not as written.

The free game only accepts the four original characters that come with it. They can't be renamed. They have to be in their original folder to function. However, as some of you may not have noticed, they actually can be modified!

So as a reply to a post in Unofficial Sex Sim Support, I there about a year and a half ago posted sort of a tutorial on how to create a character of your own even before you buy your first add-on and thus get the free Sex Sim V.I.P. Starter Set with expanded access to the functions of the game.

But since this seems to be the proper place for a guide on how to modify a character, I finally decided to give a link to that old post here (I’m a slow thinker). Hopefully someone will find it useful: http://www.sexsim.com/forum/index.php/topic,1224.msg5560.html#msg5560

If you have any questions about my instructions in that other thread, please post them here (yes, in this thread you are reading right now) and I’ll do my best to help you.

(If a moderator thinks it is better to move the actual tutorial here (maybe slightly edited) and edit above accordingly - please feel free to do so!)


  • Queen Bee
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Thanks for the update! I'll leave your original post where it is and that way it doesn't mess up the flow of that thread.


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