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SexSim 2 General Discussion / Mac Version
« Last post by Giselle on December 09, 2019, 01:07:40 PM »
We've just wrapped up the first release of the Mac OS version, so if you're running a Mac and want to try it out, you can download the zip file here: https://sexsim2.com/_files/SexSim2_MacOS.zip

Just like with the PC version, it does require a bit of beef in your system to run, so be aware of that, and if you have trouble please try lowering the resolution and quality levels, specifically by using the in-game options (hit ESC to get there).

Let me know how it goes!
SexSim 2 General Discussion / Steam release?
« Last post by hamster on December 09, 2019, 11:13:34 AM »
With both SinVR and House Party up on steam it seems the time is right for SS2 to go there too. Are there plans to release to steam? Huge customer pool.
SexSim 2 General Discussion / Re: Roadmap
« Last post by hydron on December 07, 2019, 08:56:27 AM »
Yeah, that feature should be on the must have list! :)
SexSim 2 General Discussion / Re: Roadmap
« Last post by wolf007 on December 06, 2019, 10:50:14 PM »

There could be a non-penetrative sex menu, that involves fingering, tit fucking, foot jobs, handjobs, and pussy jobs/sumata

Great idea! Yes, I love it!
SexSim 2 General Discussion / Re: Let's get this party started!
« Last post by hydron on December 06, 2019, 04:52:44 PM »
This a really nice looking ngame!  A  wonderfully vibrant colour set and great looking characters.  It even runs reasonibly well for me on my lower end gaming laptop, it will puhs the fans a bit, but that is to be expected.  It is also neat to just walk round the environment.  Seeing what people come up with in the environment editor will be pretty cool!  Very nice work! :)
SexSim 2 General Discussion / Re: Roadmap
« Last post by fr3dxxx on December 04, 2019, 11:41:20 PM »

I wholeheartedly endorse this list and would only strongly suggest you add
-Tit Fucking
which was something always lacking in SS1 (and for me, at least, a major oversight!  :P). It could probably go under the Oral menu...or maybe we need a Miscellaneous? I'm sure others would like Rimming, but that's probably under Oral too.

There could be a non-penetrative sex menu, that involves fingering, tit fucking, foot jobs, handjobs, and pussy jobs/sumata
SexSim 2 General Discussion / Re: Roadmap
« Last post by wolf007 on December 03, 2019, 06:26:09 PM »
Sounds good to me. The character editor was easily one of my favorite features of SS1 so I'm excited to see it being carried over to SS2.

I guess for features I'd like to see:

-Oral Sex (I know it's planned, but may as well mention it anyway)
-Orgasm button like in SS1 so we can make characters cum when we want to
-More environments

I wholeheartedly endorse this list and would only strongly suggest you add
-Tit Fucking
which was something always lacking in SS1 (and for me, at least, a major oversight!  :P). It could probably go under the Oral menu...or maybe we need a Miscellaneous? I'm sure others would like Rimming, but that's probably under Oral too.

SexSim 2 General Discussion / Re: Roadmap
« Last post by hamster on December 03, 2019, 10:25:44 AM »
I'd also love to see a dating sim option, where we could interact with the men/women in the environment, talk to them, get to know them.

Men love a good tease, I have fond memories of the arianeb dating sim. Also, having an emotional connection with someone is just as important for males as it is for females. If there's anything missing from a pure sex sim like this it is that element.

That may explain the success of House Party, which is up on Steam. The actual sex is not great in a lot of different ways, but the house and grounds are full of interesting people which are fully scripted. Also the quest lines are TOO complicated imo so you spend more time reloading the game than actually playing it.

In 2019 a lot of online sexual content has gone multiplayer, 3dchat and so on. People online are looking for an emotional connection.

I've attached a wordpad doc with some actual dialogue. I'm offering to help write the dialogue options in case you are too busy coding.
SexSim 2 General Discussion / Re: Roadmap
« Last post by fr3dxxx on December 03, 2019, 04:12:18 AM »
Sounds good to me. The character editor was easily one of my favorite features of SS1 so I'm excited to see it being carried over to SS2.

I guess for features I'd like to see:

-Oral Sex (I know it's planned, but may as well mention it anyway)
-Orgasm button like in SS1 so we can make characters cum when we want to
-More environments
SexSim 2 General Discussion / Re: Roadmap
« Last post by Giselle on December 02, 2019, 12:35:15 PM »
There's a fairly loose roadmap but nothing super set in stone. Mostly I'm working on the Character Editor and getting this first release bugs and performance issues worked out. We'll also be doing various improvements and additions to the core game over time to make it the best experience we can make it be.

As you might know, we sort of partnered up with the owner of SexSim (we sold it to him back around 2012 and have worked with him on it since) for this new game, and have a set number of add-ons we're contracted to create over the coming months, but what those add-ons will be is mostly up to us. When we started talking about making the game, he wanted us to make it as if it were totally our own, so we did that.

There will be at least four tools, including the Character Editor, so you can use your imagination for the others. If anyone has suggestions, please do post them, by the way. Aside from tools we will also be releasing animations, characters, environments, etc. so there's a pretty full plate as far as what's to come. After that we will be creating even more add-ons, for presumably years to come.

Anyway, that's not really a solid roadmap, I know, but hopefully it gives you some idea about our commitment to the game and how much we're putting into it as time goes on. :)
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