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Messages - TempestKilday

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Characters / Re: Angel Tattoo
« on: March 29, 2012, 03:15:30 AM »
Doberman I know exactly what you mean, paint, save, open look, close.repeat. I just spent a night on three tattoos on a girl.The hardest being a hip hugging tribal tramp stamp (Tiffany) the wrist was just as much of a pain.I think the hardest part is when you have to go over a seamed area like the back and limbs in particular. Nice work on that dragon though. Love the work you did on Angelina and look forward to your future works.

Suggestions / Re: Mix & Match Clothing
« on: March 29, 2012, 03:09:18 AM »
I think it would be possible to either fuse the Xml code to do that or(and this would be the pain in the sack) go through and make a bunch of mixed sets via cloning and renaming items. It would take up a lot of space and could cause conflicts but that might be a way to go. Doing it that way would increase the folder size by a good 6 fold when considering the thumbs, xml files and the texture files. If you want I can try to make a few mixed sets(they would be mixed and renamed) and see how that goes.

Characters / New Girl Tiffany with new outifit in Add-onns
« on: March 29, 2012, 02:41:20 AM »
 New girl with totally custom tattoos and in the addon section available for download. Brought to you by me and Pronzilla(via his Permutator for the Xml construction). I truley hope you guys enjoy her unique tattoos and see through leather outfit. Let me know what you think and as always suggestions and ideas are welcome.

Characters / Re: New place for characters - Please Read!
« on: March 28, 2012, 08:33:42 PM »
I swear it looks so much more official uploading characters to the site instead of in a post. It's been a few days since I uploaded and it's so easy to check the stats on your items. kudos on making that section available to the forum community, it might promote more stuff to be uploaded and perhaps a surge in membership. I think it's great that you made the tools also available along with texture resources and uv maps.

Characters / Re: Just created and added Cindy Craford to add-ons
« on: March 28, 2012, 08:02:01 PM »
Thank you for the comments and I'm glad to be back to modding.I made a promise a few months back and I'm doing my best to keep it, other than any changes that might be recommended for her, and possibly a clothing line to go with the "supermodel theme" that she's known for, I am going to continue along the celeb route and do some custom skins with elaborate tattoos. If possible, if male UVS and textures become available I'll also try my hand at that as well. A side note to a previous thread refering to changing penis size, it can actually be done in the Xml file, as well as animation files(in case anyone was wondering) although from what I found out use small increments because otherwise it becomes the size of a datschund. Thank you again for yourapraisal of my work and as always, I'm open to suggestions.
Thank you,

Characters / Just created and added Cindy Craford to add-ons
« on: March 25, 2012, 08:27:40 AM »
I hav'nt been around and the last time I said "I'll try working on celebrities" .So I did, and uploaded Cindy Crawford over on the add-ons pages. And I also added a slightly edited version of Jak's Casual Blue outfit with it, so he has a credit on this one as well.I figured the outfit would be a nice addition considering she's a fashion model. And please if someone knows how exactly I can choose which of my names I use when I post over there it would be  great, My other name being TyronTheButcher(an old Diablo 2 character I use to use back when it came out) so there's no confusion.And as always I want to give credit to people like Jak and Pronzilla for all their work and efforts on this game and all the added content they provide and the support they give.

General Discussion / Back
« on: March 21, 2012, 02:03:15 AM »
Sorry I havn't been around for(few months I think?) been paying more attention to my health as of late, however I havn't forgotten what I wanted to do and I'm going to get back into custom characters and continue the projects I was working on the last time I posted.Just wanted to say I'll try to take requests, but I still only use the base setup(which is both good and bad)but if you know how to change the hair, then it's not a problem.See you guys soon,

User Creations / Switched gears and focusing on trying to make celebs
« on: December 07, 2011, 11:23:26 AM »
In the time I was out and sick I decided I'm going to try(and it'll be an effort) to attempt to focus on celebrity skins.It will take some time to do and at the moment I'm working on Mila Kunis but as I figured out it will be a pain in the ass to get the skin right and I don't want to lose her facial features. And again Since I only have the regular version without add ons The hair will be kind of default, but I'll give instructions on how to change a character's hair( If you don't already know how) or It can be found in posts by Jak or Pronzilla. Again this will take a while. I would also like to thank all the people who downloaded my girls Faye and Liz, and because of that feedback I want to keep doing this. As always, I want suggestions on my work to help improve it.
Thank you again

Characters / Re: Liz
« on: December 03, 2011, 04:34:34 PM »
I would like to apologize for not being available to help, Health has been more of a concern. I will be around a tad more often, and hopefully be making characters and skins again. Again sorry for not being available.

Characters / Re: Liz
« on: November 10, 2011, 05:03:13 PM »
I'm actually gonna try to figure out how to work in celeb faces. I'm also gonna get back to trying to get rid of that washed out look. You might be right on the lighting though, and as you not getting that location at this time. I'll update you when I change things.again thanks for the feedback

Characters / Re: Liz
« on: November 07, 2011, 06:13:15 PM »
it was the intention for the pastey freckled skin, in the XML I acttually made her from Ireland. Though at times I look at her and think you have a very valid point.Like I said before, any feedback is welcome(I can take criticism). Thank you for the feedback and if I tone it down a little(probabley) I'll re-upload her.again, thanks for the feedback.

P.S. hangoverbro, let me know if you think Faye's skin might be a little better look.

Characters / Re: Manu-Brazillian Model
« on: November 02, 2011, 12:25:00 AM »
If you have a version of photoshop you can do some real good things on it: I think you'd have to stretch the face texture(of lets say a celebrity) to match the uv map. probably gonna try that soon though my new girl is coming along though a little too orange on the skin color, gotta tone that back a bit. again though, nice work.

Characters / Re: Manu-Brazillian Model
« on: October 31, 2011, 01:42:56 AM »
I have to say dude, I've known some Brazillian girls before and that's dead on man.I like how the eyes are nice and deep and seem to pierce out at you. the composite of the body is nice and the proportion is very consistant with the nationality type. The skin is not overly dark or light in an unrealistic manner and the nipples look like they naturally conform to breasts. All in all Nice job look forward to downloading her and your next one.

Characters / Re: Liz
« on: October 31, 2011, 01:31:55 AM »
Thanks for the tip on that site I'll check it out. Right now I'm actually working on another girl(kinda tan latin based/ lightskinned african) atm too.If you download Liz check out her groin area, I think I spent too much time on detailing her clit/clitoral hood.With the next girl however, any ideas for tattoos or unique body marks( just to add something that's not carbon copied). Floors yours.

Characters / Liz
« on: October 30, 2011, 11:42:25 PM »
New character Liz (with help of pronzilla's people permutor (pronzilla) as a basis. Texture is completely from scratch, she has multiple piercings but not too many. needs only the Base game(no add-ons required, if you want different hair, change it to what you will(if you repost with a change in hairstyler the usual repost rules apply) If any one has ideas for improvement, my inbox is open and I'll try to get back as quick as possible. Also willing to do custom skin textures and tattoos(if I can swing it)
Feedback welcome.

Edit: Only a slightly darker version though not as pasty and washed out

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