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Topics - IXLUK

Pages: [1]
User Creations / How to make custom shoes?
« on: October 10, 2011, 11:26:38 AM »
Hi all.

Jak, love the new shoes sets and update... well done indeed !!!!

However I was wondering how we might make some of our own?   I wanted to make some standard high heels in black, without the open toe hole.... 

Any ideas anyone?


Suggestions / Shoes Release?
« on: October 06, 2011, 10:16:14 AM »
Hi all,

Hi JAK, I was just wondering if there was any rough idea when the update for shoes might be available?

I know you have been hit hard with lots of problems lately, just wondered thats all.


Unofficial Sex Sim Support / Hairstyler Colours... :/
« on: April 14, 2011, 11:03:36 PM »
Hi all,

Does anyone else see what I see?

I dont seem to be able to change the colours?

Ive attached screen shots of each tab for the hairstyler..  I thought we would have some options to change the colour scheme ect.  Im not sure what im supposed to be seeing.

Im on W7, 64 bit.

Any help would be great.

Pages: [1]
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