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Topics - jiminy lummox

Pages: [1]
How to make things for Sex Sim / body type pictures
« on: October 08, 2010, 03:57:14 AM »
Now that Shauna and Tiffany are with us as new body type girls, I've taken another liberty in creating some side by side pictures of the 4 body types, using both Shauna's and Tiffany's textures.  Note the facial difference on body type 2, it would seem that the faces on body types 1, 3 and 4 are caucasian.

Note that these are based on Shauna and Tiffany xml files, but I've set all the various body sizes to 1.0 for comparison purposes.  All that changes is the body tag. (edit: ooh, I fibbed, I've used Ulani's hair cos it's lovely)

No apologies for the large picture size ;p these girls need to be seen in detail to appreciate the differences.

Characters / new girl Mel
« on: September 09, 2010, 09:22:01 AM »
Hey all.

Inspired by mech1's Kate, I've had a play with a girlie too.

I started with Robyn's xml file (for the hair and eyes), then changed to Layla's body texture, made the breasts a *bit* smaller and then added a few choice piercings.

So, Mel says hi!

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