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Topics - Jak (ripened peach)

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Note: The following information is out of date with the introduction of the new Character Editor but will be left here for reference.  Please see this thread for more up-to-date info.

This is the beginning of a new tutorial.  I'll be adding to it as the days go on but I wanted to get it out there so people can start messing around.  I'm starting with female characters and then after I do a little more testing I'll extend the tutorial to include males as well.  Please note that custom hair coloring is not yet implemented in the sim, so for now you'll have to use an existing hair style (or 'none' for bald).

This is an advanced tutorial and you should be familiar with graphic editing programs such as Photoshop, GIMP, or another, as well as understanding how to edit XML files, etc.  It can also be somewhat confusing the first time around, so please pay close attention to these instructions.  If you have any questions just ask.

Mesdames et Messieurs, sans plus attendre, je vous présente...

Nuhkshalah, the Sexy Alien Girl from Venus

To get you started I've created a custom textured character that you can download and use in Sex Sim.  I wanted to show just a hint at what can be done with this powerful feature so I gave her alien skin.

You can download her here: Nuhkshalah, the Sexy Alien Girl from Venus8)

Just download the file and unzip it into your Sex Sim\Runtime folder.  If all goes well you should now have a f-Nuhkshalah.xml file in your Sex Sim\Runtime\user_created\characters folder, and then some textures in the sub folders under that.

I'll be referencing those files in this tutorial so even if you're not into alien sex you will still want to follow along.

How to add your own custom textures to a female character

Making the Textures:

The female characters in Sex Sim use several texture maps over their body.  As with custom clothing, you'll need to set up your maps to match the "UVW" coordinates that the 3d models use.

Please download this female UVW maps file to get all the UV maps you'll need.  This is a zip file which contains all of the UVW maps in PNG transparent format, making it easy to put into a layer in your graphic editing application.

Each map is labeled with the appropriate parts so it should be easy enough to figure out what's going on.

When we created Sex Sim we decided it might be a good idea to use a UVW mapping scheme that was very similar to that used for the "Victoria 4" model in Poser.  Since there are so many resources available online for that particular mapping format we figured it would make it an easier process for people working in Poser to start playing around with Sex Sim.   Our textures have a few distinct changes from the Poser layout, but we kept them fairly close.  If you're not familiar with Poser or Victoria 4 then don't sweat it, but if you are then you will have a head start in knowing how to texture Sex Sim girls.

Here is a zip file containing base texture files for the female character.  Each file has a few layers, including makeup, etc. so you can have something to work with as you make your own textures.  I tested each file in Photoshop and GIMP.

Need the 3D meshes?:

If you are comfortable in a 3D editing environment you might want to download this zip file containing the 3D model meshes for each of the currently existing female body types in Sex Sim.  They are in FBX format and have materials set up for HEAD, BODY, LIMBS, etc. making it relatively painless to plot your textures as you create them.

Here's the file: Sex-Sim_Female_Body_Meshes.zip

Saving your new textures:

When you have some textures you want to use on a character, you'll need to create a folder for Sex Sim to find them in.  Go into the Sex Sim\Runtime\user_created\characters\textures\ folder and create a new folder.  Name the new folder something unique, like your nickname or whatever you like.  This will be the folder you enter into the TexSource tags in the XML file (continue reading for more info).

Save your textures into that new folder in PNG\transparent format. For every texture you save, you must use certain naming conventions to avoid problems.  First, choose a "main name" for your character.  Using my alien girl example, here is how I named the textures for her:


Notice that each texture except for EYE and ELELASHES has a "f_" prefix.  Make sure not to forget that so the sim knows this is a female character.  Also, the HEAD, BODY, and LIMBS textures should all use the same "main name".   When you specify the body texture in the XML file (see below), it uses the name you chose to grab all three of those textures.

Don't worry about the bump maps for now.  In this tutorial we're going to use the bump maps that come with the sim, so there's no need to make custom ones or save them right now.  I'll add to this tutorial later with info on making your own bump maps.

Putting the textures onto a character:

Now we'll get them into the sim...

Sex Sim uses XML files to tell it information about what textures a character uses.  Please see the XML File Specs : Characters for full info about the character XML files. 

Again using my alien girl as an example, here are the relevant sections from the XML file you'll need to address to use custom character textures...

*see section below about thumbnail and meter pics

Please note that although some of our textures have a "f_" as their prefix, you should not use it in the XML file.  Also, pay close attention to the "<BodyTex>" tag, as it contains the "main name" you chose when saving your textures, and you also don't need to specify HEAD, BODY, or LIMBS.

Also, if you don't want to do a custom texture for something like the teeth let's say, then you should specify the "TexSource" in the TexSource tag as "original".  Just copy the relevant lines from an existing character if you like.  That's what I did above for the bump map locations, since I haven't covered custom bump mapping in this thread.

Don't forget the thumbnail and meter pics!:

Once you've got all that ready, you'll want to make the thumbnail and meter pics so your girl will show up in the sim.  Again, please see the images that I've supplied with the alien girl if you need help with this.  Also see the regular characters that you have installed. 

Basically each character has a thumbnail image which is what you see when picking a character in the main menu, and each character also has a meter pic which is the tiny image you see on the lower left of the screen while in the actual sim.

The thumbnail image should always have a "tn_f_" as its prefix to tell the sim it's a thumbnail for a female character.  The thumbnail image goes into the Sex Sim\Runtime\user_created\characters\thumbs\ folder.  The thumbnail image should always have a upper case version of the name of the character, like this: tn_f_Nuhkshalah.png

The meter image should always have a "meter_" as its prefix to tell the sim it's a meter pic .  The meter image goes into the Sex Sim\Runtime\user_created\characters\thumbs\m\ folder.  The meter image should always have a lower case version of the name of the character, like this: meter_nuhkshalah.png

* If you are using Photoshop you can download this helper file for making the circular meter character pics: http://www.sexsim.com/files/tools/meter-chars-maker.zip -- Just unzip it and open the file in Photoshop.  Paste your character image into the grouped folder (make sure the Robyn one that's in there isn't showing), scale the image, and save it out as a PNG.

Sharing your creations:

Ok, so you've got a character ready for the world and you want to share it.

PLEASE include a README.txt file inside your zip file with directions on where everything should go.  Different people zip things up in different ways, and it will make things much more fun for everyone if we just simply include directions inside our files.  That way no one ends up too frustrated with files everywhere.

Have fun!

So that's how to make your own custom character textures.  I hope you all have fun with it and I can't wait to see some of the stuff you come up with.

User Creations / New Categories
« on: October 09, 2010, 12:31:41 PM »
Hey I wanted to say thank you so much to everyone who's getting involved with modding Sex Sim.  It's awesome to see so much creativity going into it and this is just the beginning.  You guys rock.

I realized that we needed some categories to keep everything organized before it gets too out of hand.   From this point on if you could post your creations in the appropriate category that would be great.  As we add more customizable things to the sim I'll add more sections.

I've had this question asked a few times now so I wanted to make a post to clear up any confusion.

This is official notice that..

  • You are free to share your personally created mods, outfits, software tools, characters, etc. for Sex Sim on this web site and elsewhere.
  • You can charge whatever price you like for your own personally created Sex Sim items as noted above, be it free or otherwise.
  • You can make your own Sex Sim related web site to post things or place your creations on other sites that support them.

Have fun. :)

How to make things for Sex Sim / Now with bigger girls!
« on: September 29, 2010, 04:57:16 PM »
We just released Sex Sim update 1.0g, and one of the things it includes is the ability to have bigger girls.

We'll be putting up some new characters in the store with these new body styles but they are ready to use right now by simply altering the XML files for custom characters.

To use the new body styles, open up the character XML file and look for the "<Body>" tag.  It will either have a 1 or 2.

To use the "thick" body type, change the number to a 3, and to use the "big" body type, change it to a 4.

The larger body styles look better with larger breasts, so you probably want to change those values as well.  I've found that the following settings work well for the "big" shape:


Your mileage may vary depending on the other values you have in your custom characters, but these new larger body styles are designed for larger breasts so have fun.

How to make things for Sex Sim / A quick note for people making clothing
« on: September 21, 2010, 05:51:03 PM »
I wanted to let people who are making clothing know about one of the new things in the update (1.0g).

There's a new tag you can use in the outfit XML file to tell the sim whether to let boobs bounce or not when that item of clothing is on.  When the top is taken off the boobs will bounce free and again when it's put on they will stop bouncing so much.  It's good for bras, straps, etc. and will hold the boobs relatively still while the top is on.

To use the tag, just put the following somewhere in your outfit's info xml file, perhaps under the Shader tag:


If it's set to 0 or not there at all, the boobs will bounce as usual.  Setting it to 1 tells the sim not to bounce them.  If you want the boobs to bounce in your outfit, then obviously this tag is useless, but for some outfits it can come in handy.

User Creations / How to use items from this section
« on: September 06, 2010, 09:02:57 AM »
Most everything in this section will come in "zip" format.  To use them you'll need to unzip the file to your Sex Sim folder.  See this page for information on how to do that if you don't know how.

Usually the zip files are made so everything goes into the right place, but sometimes things end up in places where you need to move them around for them to work, depending on how the creator made their zip file. 

If you need help with a specific item just ask in the thread where you found the files, and the author or someone else will more than likely be happy to help you out.

Once you've done a couple you'll get used to it, it's easy. :)

How to make things for Sex Sim / XML File Specs : Characters
« on: August 26, 2010, 07:53:22 PM »
Note: The following information is mostly out of date with the introduction of the new Character Editor but will be left here for reference as it is useful for advanced users.  Please see this thread for more up-to-date info regarding character editing.

Sex Sim uses XML files to tell it information about characters, places, clothes, etc.  This thread is a breakdown of the XML files used for characters.

<Author> : This is your name, whatever you want to put.

<Gender> : The gender of the character, in lowercase, one letter (m, f) -- at some point in the future we will have a mixed gender as well.

<Race> : Currently unused.
<Home> : Currently unused.

<Name> : The character's name.

<Bio> : Currently unused.
<Age> : Currently unused.
<BloodType> : Currently unused.

<Category> : Currently unused.

<Orientation> : Currently unused.
<Preference> : Currently unused.
<PreferenceModifier> : Currently unused.
<FavoriteType1> : Currently unused.
<FavoriteType2> : Currently unused.

<Image> : The character's name in lower case.  This is used to tell the sim which thumbnail and meter image to use.

<Body> : The type of body to use; mainly related to facial structure.  Options are: 1: Caucasion, 2: African, 3: "Thick", 4: "Big", 5: "Asian", 6: "Flat Chested" *.

<BodyTex> : The character's body texture main name.  See Character Creation thread for more details.
<BodyTexSource> : The source folder of the body texture.  See Character Creation thread for more details.
<BumpTex> : The character's bump map texture main name.  See Character Creation thread for more details.
<BumpTexSource> : The source folder of the bump map texture.  See Character Creation thread for more details.

<Hair> : The hair model the character uses.  Currently can be any hair from a character you (or a user) own.  Options are: Females: messy (Alison), punky (Kendra), pixie (Layla), glamour (Robyn), feathered (Ulani), glamour-mixed (Shauna), short_messy (Tiffany), updo (Ayumi), bob (Catt), secretary (Vanessa), secretary_w_glasses (Vanessa).  Males: short_mussed (Alec), none (Tai).  More hair styles on the way.

<HairTex> : Currently unused.
<HairTexSource> : Currently unused.
<HairColor> : NEW - See hair style thread I'll write once the hair add-on is released.

<PubicHair> : NEW - The pubic hair the character uses.  See the pubic hair thread for more details.

<PubicHair_Color_R> : NEW - See the pubic hair thread for more details.
<PubicHair_Color_G> : NEW - See the pubic hair thread for more details.
<PubicHair_Color_B> : NEW - See the pubic hair thread for more details.

<EyeTexL> : The left eyeball texture. Options are: blue, brown_1, brown_grey, deep_blue, green, grey_1, hazel_1, hazel_2, lg_brown-black, light_blue, light_green, light_grey_blue, md_hazel.
<EyeTexLSource> : The source folder of the left eyeball texture.  See Character Creation thread for more details.

<EyeTexR> :  The right eyeball texture. Options are: blue, brown_1, brown_grey, deep_blue, green, grey_1, hazel_1, hazel_2, lg_brown-black, light_blue, light_green, light_grey_blue, md_hazel.
<EyeTexRSource> : The source folder of the right eyeball texture.  See Character Creation thread for more details.

<Eyelashes> :  The character's eyelashes texture.  See Character Creation thread for more details.
<EyelashesTexSource> : The source folder of the eyelashes texture.  See Character Creation thread for more details.

<Teeth> : The character's teeth texture.  See Character Creation thread for more details.
<TeethTexSource> :  The source folder of the teeth texture.  See Character Creation thread for more details.

The following list contains all tags related to body sizing.  Each tag has an X, Y, and Z component which controls the size of its designated body part.  The default, unaltered size is 1.0.  Use of these tags requires some experimentation, but there are some more detailed directions in the "How to make bigger boobs" thread.

<BodySize_X>, <BodySize_Y>, <BodySize_Z>, <HeadSize_X>, <HeadSize_Y>, <HeadSize_Z>, <CheekSize_LX>, <CheekSize_LY>, <CheekSize_LZ>, <CheekSize_RX>, <CheekSize_RY>, <CheekSize_RZ>, <UpLipSize_X>, <UpLipSize_Y>, <UpLipSize_Z>, <LowLipSize_X>, <LowLipSize_Y>, <LowLipSize_Z>, <JawSize_X>, <JawSize_Y>, <JawSize_Z>, <BoobSize_LX>, <BoobSize_LY>, <BoobSize_LZ>, <BoobSize_RX>, <BoobSize_RY>, <BoobSize_RZ>, <ClavicleSize_LX>, <ClavicleSize_LY>, <ClavicleSize_LZ>, <ClavicleSize_RX>, <ClavicleSize_RY>, <ClavicleSize_RZ>, <UpArmSize_LX>, <UpArmSize_LY>, <UpArmSize_LZ>, <UpArmSize_RX>, <UpArmSize_RY>, <UpArmSize_RZ>, <ForearmSize_LX>, <ForearmSize_LY>, <ForearmSize_LZ>, <ForearmSize_RX>, <ForearmSize_RY>, <ForearmSize_RZ>, <HandSize_LX>, <HandSize_LY>, <HandSize_LZ>, <HandSize_RX>, <HandSize_RY>, <HandSize_RZ>, <ThumbSize_LX>, <ThumbSize_LY>, <ThumbSize_LZ>, <ThumbSize_RX>, <ThumbSize_RY>, <ThumbSize_RZ>, <IndexFingerSize_LX>, <IndexFingerSize_LY>, <IndexFingerSize_LZ>, <IndexFingerSize_RX>, <IndexFingerSize_RY>, <IndexFingerSize_RZ>, <MiddleFingerSize_LX>, <MiddleFingerSize_LY>, <MiddleFingerSize_LZ>, <MiddleFingerSize_RX>, <MiddleFingerSize_RY>, <MiddleFingerSize_RZ>, <RingFingerSize_LX>, <RingFingerSize_LY>, <RingFingerSize_LZ>, <RingFingerSize_RX>, <RingFingerSize_RY>, <RingFingerSize_RZ>, <PinkyFingerSize_LX>, <PinkyFingerSize_LY>, <PinkyFingerSize_LZ>, <PinkyFingerSize_RX>, <PinkyFingerSize_RY>, <PinkyFingerSize_RZ>,    <ButtSize_X>, <ButtSize_Y>, <ButtSize_Z>, <ThighSize_LX>, <ThighSize_LY>, <ThighSize_LZ>, <ThighSize_RX>, <ThighSize_RY>, <ThighSize_RZ>, <CalfSize_LX>, <CalfSize_LY>, <CalfSize_LZ>, <CalfSize_RX>, <CalfSize_RY>, <CalfSize_RZ>, <FootSize_LX>, <FootSize_LY>, <FootSize_LZ>, <FootSize_RX>, <FootSize_RY>, <FootSize_RZ>, <ToeSize_LX>, <ToeSize_LY>, <ToeSize_LZ>, <ToeSize_RX>, <ToeSize_RY>, <ToeSize_RZ>

<jawRotate_Y> : Internal use only, not useful for anything besides making REALLY messed up characters.
<jawShut_Z> :  Internal use only, not useful for anything besides making REALLY messed up characters.
<jawOpen_Z> :  Internal use only, not useful for anything besides making REALLY messed up characters.
<originalEyeL> :  Internal use only, not useful for anything besides making REALLY messed up characters.
<originalEyeR> :  Internal use only, not useful for anything besides making REALLY messed up characters.
<EyeShutL> :  Internal use only, not useful for anything besides making REALLY messed up characters.
<EyeShutR> :  Internal use only, not useful for anything besides making REALLY messed up characters.
<sexyEyeL> :  Internal use only, not useful for anything besides making REALLY messed up characters.
<sexyEyeR> :  Internal use only, not useful for anything besides making REALLY messed up characters.
<eyeRotate_Y> :  Internal use only, not useful for anything besides making REALLY messed up characters.

<jewelry> : This controls the currently available (as of August 2010) set of character jewelry.  More refined jewelry controls are on the way but this set was designed for the release of Kendra.  It can also be used with any of the other female characters.  Put each jewelry item you wish to use in a comma separated list inside this tag.  Options are: ball_bridge, ball_ear_L, ball_ear_R, ball_lowerlip_L, ball_lowerlip_R, ball_nose_L, ball_nose_R, ball_nose_septum, black_bracelets_L, black_bracelets_R, clitring_1, earring_L, earring_R, nippleball_L, nippleball_R, nosering_L, nosering_R, nosering_septum.

* for flat chested body types, it looks best if you make a "body" skin texture without the underboob shading.  Using an existing texture is ok but not ideal for this body type.

General Discussion / MOVED: Hows it going?
« on: August 21, 2010, 01:12:50 PM »

General Discussion / MOVED: add on
« on: August 19, 2010, 11:51:02 PM »

How to make things for Sex Sim / How to make clothes for Sex Sim
« on: July 31, 2010, 01:47:41 AM »
This tutorial will show you how to make your own custom outfits from scratch for use in Sex Sim.

You will need:

  • GIMP (FREE image editing program from http://www.gimp.org/)
  • Photoshop (not required but VERY useful)
  • Notepad or a good text editor like TextPad.
Aside from being able to use graphic editing programs you will need to know how to open Windows Explorer and work with files and folders.

Ok, let's do it...

Clothing Shells:

Sex Sim uses what we call a "shell" for outfits.  Basically it's a 3D model with a texture applied to it.  That shell is what you see in the game as clothing, even though it doesn't look like it.

Below are two renders of Robyn.  In the first one, you can see what the shell looks like behind the scenes.  In the second, you can see what it looks like when the 3D wireframe is turned off.

Clothing shell wireframe (click for larger)

Clothing shell rendered (click for larger)

There are two types of shell we use in Sex Sim.  One is called "regular" and it's used for things like t-shirts, suspenders, and basically anything that hangs down loosely over the breasts.  The other is called "tight" and it's for things like bras, bikinis, and other types that cling and cup under the breasts.  The shell shown in the shots above is the "regular" one, and if you look closely under Robyn's right breast you can see that the shell doesn't cling too tightly.


Every outfit in Sex Sim is made up of three textures.  A typical set of outfit textures would be set up like the following:

Metal-Maiden_r-t.png (click for larger)

Metal-Maiden_r-b.png (click for larger)

z_Metal-Maiden_r-b.png (click for larger)

The file names follow this convention:

1. Each outfit has a name, such as "Metal-Maiden".  Anywhere there would be a space in the name you should use a hyphen (-).

2. Directly after the name you should use an underscore followed by the type, which is either an "r" or a "t".  The "r" is if you are making a "regular" style outfit (see the notes on shells) and the "t" is for if you are making a "tight"style.

3. Following the type designation is a hyphen and a the letter "t" for "top" or "b" for "bottom".  I'm pretty sure you can figure out what those mean.

4. The third texture is a special one.  It's a "bottom" texture but it has a "z_" in front of the name.  This tells Sex Sim that this is the "pulled" texture for the bottom.  What's "pulled"?  It's for when you leave the bottom on the girl while she's in action, and it appears as if the cloth is pulled over to allow access.  In our example the cloth is pulled over but you can do anything with this texture like have it zippered all the way down, a hole cut out, whatever.  It's up to your imagination.

Wherever you see the checkerboard pattern in those images the texture is "transparent".  Sex Sim allows for a full range of transparency so you can do everything from barely see-through to fully transparent, with multiple types on each texture.

If you look closely on the images you'll also see a slight shadow around the clothes.  This is good to do as it can make things look even more real by appearing to cast a shadow on the body around where the edges of the outfit are.

I'll cover the textures in more detail a little further down, but the point is that pretty much anything you can think of to paint in Photoshop or Gimp can be used on an outfit.

Other Files:

There are two other files that every outfit needs.

1. A thumbnail image.  This is the picture that shows in the main menu for picking out the outfit, like this:

tn_o_Metal-Maiden.png (actual size)

2. An info file.  This is a text file with an XML extension.  Here's an example:

Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<Name>Metal Maiden</Name>

The info file has what are called "tags" and each tag has a purpose.  To use a tag you just put whatever info it needs in between the > and the <.  The breakdown of what each tag is for is:

  • <Name> : Be creative!
  • <Description> : Not currently used but might be at some point.  Feel free to fill it in if you want.
  • <Category> : This is the category the outfit appears in in the main menu.  Misc, Intimates, or Swimwear.
  • <Type> : This is the type we talked about above; R for "regular" and T for "tight".  Make sure to capitalize!
  • <Order> : Not currently used but may be in the future.
  • <Shader> : Not currently used but may be in the future.
  • <ExtraLimbs> : You can specify stockings (or anything else that's an extra layer) that will load when this outfit loads. Just use the filename of the stockings, minus the extension... for example: 000_Stripey-Socks
  • <Author> : This is you.

Painting the Textures:

You can paint your textures in any suitable graphics editing program like Photoshop, Painter, GIMP, whatever you like, as long as it can save out PNG files with transparency.

The wireframe shell models use what's called a UVW map in order to properly place the painted textures on them.  Here is what those look like:

Clothing shell UVW : REGULAR (click for larger)

Clothing shell UVW : TIGHT (click for larger)

Clothing shell UVW : REGULAR EXAMPLE (click for larger)

You probably want to download the larger versions of the first two images as they will make texture painting much easier.  You can load them into a layer in your paint program and use them as a template to work with.  The third image shows how the texture looks when overlayed with the shell UVW map.

In the images I showed in the "Textures" section, please note that anywhere you see the checkerboard pattern is transparent in the texture file.  When you save your textures as PNG you will need to save them with the background layer turned off so that only the outfit part is showing and everything that needs to be transparent isn't.

Where to put stuff:

Ok, so you've got your textures painted and you want to see them in the sim.

Here's where it all goes:

The info XML file: Runtime\user_created\clothes\info\
The top texture: Runtime\user_created\clothes\
The bottom texture: Runtime\user_created\clothes\
The "pulled over" bottom texture: Runtime\user_created\clothes\
The thumbnail image: Runtime\user_created\clothes\thumbs\

Make sure those files are in those folders and then start the sim.  Log in and go to the clothes tab.  You should be able to find your outfit in there.  Click it and check it out!

You most likely will have to keep checking your progress as you go, and there's no need to keep logging in and out of Sex Sim to do it.  Just hit Go to see the outfit on the girl, do some work in your graphics editing program, save the textures, then hit ESCAPE to go back to the main menu.  Your new textures will load up when you choose your outfit again (you might have to click on another outfit then yours to reset it).  Once we come out with the clothing tools it will be easier to check progress but that's how to do it for now.

Wrapping Up...

I'll cover how to make a good thumbnail image and other tips tomorrow.  Right now it's late and I'm tired so I'll call it a night.  Until then, have fun. :)

General Discussion / Favorite sex games and what you like about them?
« on: July 23, 2010, 02:59:37 PM »
I imagine most of us are fans of 3D sex games and have tried more than a few.  What are some of your favorites and what do you like most about them?

This tutorial is for designers!  If you just want to change the shape and size of the boobs without designing characters then get the Breast Shaper add-on in the add-ons store!

Here's how to set up a character with bigger or smaller boobs...

This requires the following:

* You need to know how to find folders and files in Windows Explorer.
* You need to know how to copy and paste files in Windows Explorer.
* You need to know how to edit and save files in a text editor such as Notepad.
* Photoshop (or other paint program) usage is optional but leads to better results in the long run.

Please note that although this tutorial seems long and wordy, it is only that way to make it perfectly clear on how to do this stuff.  In reality the process is quite simple, fast, and straightforward.

1. First, download this file and install it.  It will put some images into your "user_created" folder and we're going to use these images for now in place of custom made Photoshop ones.  Later as you create custom characters that you might want to share with other people, you can make your own images, but these will work for starting out.

2. Open Windows Explorer and find the directory where you installed Sex Sim.  Look for a folder called "Runtime" inside that directory, and inside that you'll find a folder called "_aData" and one called "user_created".  The "user_created" folder is the one all the custom things you guys make will go into.

3. Ok, now inside the "_aData" folder you'll find one called 'characters" (yes, there are a lot of folders!)  We're going to copy one of the characters from this folder and put it into the "user_created\characters" directory.  To do that, right click on the "f-Robyn.xml" file and choose "copy".  Next, go into the "user_created\characters" folder and paste that file into there.

4. You should now have a file inside "user_created\characters" called "f-Robyn.xml".  Rename that file to "f-Custom_1.xml". The "f-" tells the system that this is a female character, and the "Custom_1" tells us the name of the character.  When you start making characters to share, you can of course name them real names, but for now we'll call this one "Custom_1" as we've already got images that work with that name.

5. Now that you've renamed the file, open it up in a text editor like Notepad.  You should see a whole list of things about the "Robyn" character.  Every item in the list is surrounded by "tags".  Each line has an opening tag, followed by the data it needs, followed by a closing tag.

A typical line looks like this: <Name>Robyn</Name>

We're going to change a few of these. 

6. Look for the line that says "<Author>Ripened Peach</Author>" and change the "Ripened Peach" part of that to your name.  The Author field tells the system who made the character and also lets it know to look in the "user_created" folder for its images as long as the author isn't set to "Ripened Peach".  You should never use the regular "_aData" folder or "Ripened Peach" as the author name for your custom work, as those files might be over-written in updates, etc.  Keeping everything in the "user_created" folder ensures that your work stays as it is.

7. Look for the line that says "<Name>Robyn</Name>" and change the "Robyn" part of that to "Custom_1".  The name field tells the system the character's name and also tells us which little image to use on the excitement meter when inside the sim.

8. Look for the line that says "<Image>robyn</Image>" and change the "robyn" part of that to "custom_1".  The image field tells the system which thumbnail image to show in the sim's main menu for picking a character.

9. Next, scroll down until you see the following block of info:


That's where we control the boob size for this character.  You'll notice that each tag has an "L" or an "R" in it.  That's for boob Left and boob Right.  The X, Y, and Z dimensions are exactly that; the height, width, and depth of each boob.

To make things quick and easy, let's create some bigger boobs.  Change the "1.0" in each of those boob fields (except the BoobFlop field) to "1.4" and then Save the file.

10. Load up Sex Sim and you should see a new character in the list, called "Custom 1".  Choose her and start the sim.

Notice the larger boobs?  That's it!

Feel free to play around with the different sizes.  They can get pretty big.  Do note that the larger you make them that there will be some animation variations that don't work as well with them.  Things like hands grabbing boobs, etc. will look a little funny as the hands go right through the giant boobs.  We'll be updating the sim soon to deal with that so the hands go where they need to, but for now you can certainly have fun with boobs. :)

As you can see in the screen shot, you can get crazy with this.  Those are set to size 1.8 in case you want to give them a go.  You can also go smaller, but once they go down past a certain size they look a little funny so it's not yet possible to do a totally flat chested girl.  That's coming soon though.

Anyway I hope you had fun.  See my next tutorial for info on how to change even more with custom characters.

General Discussion / Happy Birthday America! -- Free bikinis
« on: July 04, 2010, 02:30:31 AM »
What better way to celebrate Independence Day then partying with the girls while they wear these super cool bikinis we just released in time for 4th of July, America's Birthday!

You can get them for free right now in the Sex Sim add-ons store.  They won't be available forever so get them now while they're up.   ;D

What does the 4th of July mean to The United States?  Read about it here...

General Discussion / I need a few testers...
« on: July 02, 2010, 08:05:12 PM »
We're going to be releasing the girl girl pack soon and at the same time a free update to the core software that will introduce some cool new features.

I'd like to get maybe three more people to test out the updates (in addition to the testers we already have).  If you're up to testing and reporting on any problems you find, please send me a Private Message to let me know.  In it, list the hours you're generally up and about and able to try things out.  I can't pick everyone who sends a message but thanks in advance if you do.

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