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Messages - ak3566

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5
Stories / Re: Indian Lessons
« on: January 03, 2012, 03:07:02 PM »
I had the same issue when I was doing my story.  :(

Suggestions / Re: My thought
« on: January 03, 2012, 10:47:15 AM »
Thanks! I added them and a little more!

Outfits / Re: Ideas for a sexy nurse outfit.
« on: January 03, 2012, 06:27:21 AM »
Those do have their own appeal, yes. And as more realistic nurse outfits go, I would definitely prefer those over the modern scrubs. The thing is that when I think of a sexy nurse outfit, my mind pictures something akin to those samples.

Suggestions / My thought
« on: January 03, 2012, 06:22:55 AM »
It occurs to me that it would be tough to incorporate everyone's wishes. Everyone has their own tastes afterall and they can vary greatly even in their detail. It might be better to have it so that the users can make their own men, ladies, (or a set of complementary men and ladies), animations, clothes (for both men and ladies), and locations. Perhaps have a core set for each.

Core men set:
  • The current selection is good or expand to one of each race/ethnicity.
Core ladies set:
  • The current selection is good or expand to one of each race/ethnicity.
Core clothes set:
  • The current selection is good, but add options for hats, skirts/dresses, pulled shirts, pants, or whatever...so mainly be able to make more types of clothes and taking of different clothes independently (top, choker, gloves, bottoms, skirts, etc.)
Core animations set:
  • The current selection
  • foreplay or other nonpenetrative or context adding animations
  • anal
  • bdsm
  • masturbation
Core locations set:
  • A basic bedroom (just got to have this, obviously)
  • The currrent apartment
  • A basic office
  • The current beach, maybe add a daytime option
Core features set:
  • current features
  • posing; solo, as a couple, as a group
  • sequencer

Any other ideas for the core set?
I know even just the core set must seem like daunting work for Jak.   :o  I hope not too much! I believe in you!  ;)
I think it is the best direction to go.   8)[/list]

Outfits / Ideas for a sexy nurse outfit.
« on: January 02, 2012, 09:02:58 PM »

Stories / Re: Indian Lessons
« on: January 02, 2012, 08:54:37 PM »
MS Word 2003's help file says the following about compressing pictures to reduce the document's size.

About reducing a picture's file size
To save room on your hard disk or to reduce download time, you can use the Compress Pictures feature to do the following:
  • Reduce resolution (to 96 dots per inch (dpi) for Web and 200 dpi for print), and unnecessary information is discarded.
  • Discard extra information. For example, when a picture has been cropped or resized, the "hidden" parts of the picture are stored in the file.
  • Compress the picture, if possible.

And wow, your story is long! I am making my way through it.  :)

My story with desi characters only has the first season written and that is not quite complete. It is like a mini-soap with three main men (one of which is like me in an alternate universe), three main ladies, and some supporting roles. 21 episodes and 28 pages and this is just text and without going into much detail into the sex scenes. I am slowly working on season 2. I have about 15 episode summaries so far. I still have to finish that and add details and its sex scenes. I want to add pics and preferably videos but I lack the capacity for that. This is a huge project. And to be honest, I would love to use Sex Sim to make a series out of it -- like real soap episodes.

Stories / Re: Indian Lessons
« on: January 02, 2012, 04:08:14 PM »
If you are using MS Word 2007 (or higher), it has a feature to compress the images so the whole document is a smaller size.

Stories / Re: Alec and Robyn's Naughty Xmas 2011
« on: January 02, 2012, 04:06:24 PM »

I have the "Tiny Skulls" redo outfit. I like it too! :)   I have a character I am working on to use it with. But I meant something like instead of just straight taking the top off, have the top lifted or otherwise pulled so as to show the lady's breasts. Something like in the "Morning {1|2|3}" series.

I see what you mean about the oddly sounding English. I will try to avoid that next time. And no worries, I was not thinking you were playing "English Teacher".  :)


I am glad you enjoyed it!  ;D
Adding a story just makes the sex much more interesting.  ;)
Of course, it could not be made without your effort to make Sex Sim the best it can be. Keep up the good work!  The more Sex Sim can do, the more we can do!  :D

Stories / Re: Something a bit different
« on: January 02, 2012, 02:24:28 PM »
I am glad to help! :D
Yea I remember Joanne from Terri's journal. I am sure you can work something out. Joanne can still be Terri's boss and Ricardo replaced with Jett (the local surfer hunk), though it looses the spice of the latin adventure. Yea, there are not enough men. :-\

Cool, I cannot wait to check out the Asha and Priya story!

Suggestions / Re: What would you like next?
« on: January 02, 2012, 02:18:42 PM »
Although I voted for additional sex positions I'm thinking that expanding or adding variations to the existing ones might be just as good.  Like maybe instead of picking up the action with the characters already going at it, have the scene open up with maybe some heavy petting, him sucking her tits,  and her fondling him then inserting his penis and working it from there.  I also agree whole-heartedly with the people suggesting Cream pies and options of shooting outside with maybe her jerking him into her mouth or tits.  Also...What about tit jobs leading to a pearl necklace??  Haven't heard too much about that suggestion.  And, of course....anal.  One more variation could be to have the woman use some side to side and circular hip grinding to pump up the action.

What you have done so far is incredible.  I can really see you carrying this to an amazing level.  I've only just discovered your site and I'm hooked.  Looking forward to your update with the character customization!!!


You have some great suggestions.  :)
The lady using her hips more is a new one that I agree with too.

Stories / Re: Alec and Robyn's Naughty Xmas 2011
« on: January 01, 2012, 04:59:56 PM »
Thank you very much!  ;D
I am glad you liked it! I made it short and simple so that my stories have more variety. Plus it redeces the writing time. I will try more stories.

I am not sure what you mean by funny uses of English. You mean sentence structure (ordering of subject, object, verb, adverb, adjective)? If it reads oddly, I would love suggestions to make it read smoothly.  :)

True, Alec would have definitely preferred a better view of Robyn's boobs especially for Act III. I wanted her to still look like a Santa's helper and without the top I thought it was too little so I became declined to undressing Robyn. And she wanted Alec to enjoy her body too! A hat and/or stockings would have helped. Oh, gloves too! That way Alec can still unzip her top and toss it away to reveal her boobs while still having the feeling of making love to a Santa's helper. Alec could have pulled off her bottom, though, that would be better suited for Acts I, II (especially)...   :-\

For the next story, I also want to try the opening shirt idea. I saw someone with the "Morning 1", "Morning 2", and "Morning 3" outfit sets which looks like the best implementation there can be so far. The layers idea talked about would also help. So I got those and I am trying to learn to use it. But I also did not want to be too late for the holidays to post this. It may take a while though.  :-\

lol, now I kind of want to try to redo it. Well, they do need something else for 2012...   ;)
Thanks again for the encouragement!   8)

Stories / Re: Something a bit different
« on: January 01, 2012, 04:31:30 PM »
Some quick ideas: Joanne making love to her husband (yea kind of boring, but it is beautiful too.  ;) ), Joanne obeying her boss (younger or same age or a little older), Joanne cheating (younger or same age), Joanne bored of her husband so trying out sex with a lady. Also, the wife/milf getting on with the milkman is a classic. Maybe those help. Hopefully these ideas help. I might think of something more later too.

Oh, nice! I cannot wait to read/see your story on Asha and Priya! I have a long story involving two desi ladies (among others) which I want to use Asha and Priya for, but there is not enough content for it yet. Plus I would need addons for it. For example, the story, the sexual part that is, occurs mostly in the bedroom and offices.

Maybe if improve enough, we can collaborate!   :o

EDIT:  Ok, the previous ideas are kind of boring maybe not so appealing. So here is another more specific idea but provocative in another way:

Joanne (Joana if you prefer a matching latin name) is a divorced mother of two and works in marketing and currently not in a relationship but wishing for a man in her life again. She takes a vacation to beach resort town Northshore. There she meets a latin hunk of man, Ricardo. Ricardo is a well established photographer living in Northshore who happens to have a milf fetish. They meet and looks like they take a liking to each other. Ricardo shows her around, chats her up, ... even takes her to a special secluded place perfect for a love nest. ... and the passion ensues. What will become of their these love birds? Will this latin lover be her man? Stay tuned!

How is it?

Stories / Alec and Robyn's Naughty Xmas 2011
« on: January 01, 2012, 02:22:38 PM »
So I decided to try my hand at making a story. It is not on the level as NMM's stories though.  :-[
I hope you all enjoy it!   :)

The pdf gives the story.  ;)
I know it is late for Christmas. Sorry about that, but it takes time and I have to not get caught!   :-\

( I will accept suggestions/criticisms, but do not judge too harshly! )

If it is successful, I have a couple more ideas for stories. A lot of ideas I just cannot do because (1) I cannot buy the addons or (2) the features/addons that would be that I want/are required do not exist.  Some will take time for me to make a few characters or clothes.  :)

The extras/outtakes rar file is too large to post (28 MB). I tried many ideas.

General Discussion / Re: Happy New Year!
« on: December 31, 2011, 07:23:08 PM »
I hope the new year brings you all joy and continued happiness in your lives.  ^-^


General Discussion / Re: Jewelry options
« on: December 31, 2011, 06:47:36 AM »
I meant to ask if the options can be added in, not if the options are there. Sorry for the confusion!

I might try your idea of just copy/pasting the jewelry into the texture files. I do not know what you mean about skin of the texture map matching with the surrounding texture and I do not know what a raster is.

Oh! A tongue stud/piercing is a good idea for one of my characters too! I added it to the list. Thanks!

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