SexSim Forum

Sex Sim => General Discussion => Topic started by: NMM on July 26, 2012, 10:21:00 AM

Title: Dirty Sexy
Post by: NMM on July 26, 2012, 10:21:00 AM
Loving the new animations pack Jak, it's really hot! I've not had long to check it out, but I'll have a play around with it later, so far so awesome though!

One thing I have noticed, I couldn't get the 'Gateway Arch' pose to work, whenever I select it the camera just turns black, and then I can't select any other poses without getting the same blank screen without restarting the whole program. The others seem to work ok though!

Are you still working on the pose editor idea btw?
Title: Re: Dirty Sexy
Post by: Jak (ripened peach) on July 26, 2012, 10:29:31 AM
Thanks NMM, I'm really happy that you like it!

That problem you're having is indeed strange.  Maybe try deleting the "fm_arch-reg.sexsim" file from the "C:\Sex Sim\Runtime\_aData\animations\" folder (or wherever you have it installed), then delete the "fm-arch.xml" file from the "C:\Sex Sim\Runtime\_aData\animations\info\" folder.  Then restart the sim and it should download those files again.  Hopefully that fixes it for you.  If not then let me know and I'll have you file a support ticket at the help desk with your output_log file.
Title: Re: Dirty Sexy
Post by: NMM on July 26, 2012, 03:06:10 PM
Odd, I did a complete reinstall (as I probably should have uninstalled before downloading the new version like it says to on the download page!!) but the problem still happened.

It turned out fm_arch-reg.sexsim hadn't downloaded properly, was showing a filesize of 0kb, so I deleted the two files like you suggested and restarted and it downloaded them properly and it works now - thanks Jak!!
Title: Re: Dirty Sexy
Post by: Jak (ripened peach) on July 26, 2012, 04:14:46 PM
Yeah that's usually a good thing to check first if there are problems.  Occasionally a file will download incorrectly, but the sim sees it's there and goes on about its business, not knowing the file is bad.  I've thought about putting in a file size or checksum check but this happens so rarely it's not really been something I've totally focused on.  Maybe in one of the next updates I'll try to get something like that in.
Title: Re: Dirty Sexy
Post by: whocares2005 on July 27, 2012, 08:59:54 PM
Working perfectly for me and I gotta say... these poses are incredible. Pretty much exactly what I was hoping for. Great job as always, Jak.
Title: Re: Dirty Sexy
Post by: Jak (ripened peach) on July 27, 2012, 10:17:30 PM
I'm glad you guys like it.  The credit for the animations must go to my lovely wife.  She's amazing at animating so I let her do all of that.  I'll let her know she's appreciated. :)
Title: Re: Dirty Sexy
Post by: heymoa on October 08, 2012, 11:31:45 PM
Sorry to high-jack the thread but Jak did you manage to find out why I am not seeing any alternative animations? I sent a ticket.
Title: Re: Dirty Sexy
Post by: Jak (ripened peach) on October 10, 2012, 06:04:30 PM
Sorry, I didn't realize you'd responded to my reply and request for screen shots showing the problem.  I sent a new ticket.