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Messages - ninjabuntu

Pages: [1]
I have tried it time and time again just to make sure. Still no joy... When I do try and it take forever, i will have to hit the close button at the top and restart, The character is there in the list but has no thumbnail in the menu and no Character meter pip for in-game.

I think this is the root of the issue. I think that it is somehow going nuts when it trying to write the Thumbnail and meter pip.

What else could be causing the issue i have no idea, but i have tried many time now to get my self a custom Lady...

Characters / About how Long should it take to make a custom Girl?
« on: May 30, 2012, 05:17:25 PM »
I got the Character Creation Addon and all and was building a Custom Girl Based on the Robyn Base. I got her just about how I wanted her and told the thing to go. I then get a black screen with the words "Hang on, I'm Working..." and below it is a Float Variable that at this moment is about 5000.00 now and doesn't show signs of ending anytime soon.

It's been about a Half hour now and still no Custom Girl in my Ladies menu... What gives? How long is this supposed to take anyways?

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