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Topics - Bushmaster

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Hair Pack for the modders.
« on: December 16, 2010, 11:59:40 AM »
How about a pack of different new hair styles so we can create some more girls. Even if they were only re-colours of the existing hairs that would do, ie. a red, black, brown, blonde version of each hairstyle. Variation is a bit slim at the mo considering hair styles can't be edited.

How to make things for Sex Sim / Modding Questions
« on: December 16, 2010, 11:38:57 AM »

I have a few questions relating chracter creation, not sure if this is the right place to post it.

I have followed the excellent tutorials Jak put together, and I have got to grips with most of the fundamentals of female chracter creation, Ive edited the XML files to alter the body shape how I want it, and Ive created a few sets of custom textures using Jaks base as the starter, Im pretty chuffed with the results, Ive managed to add custom lady bits and nipples as well as tatoos.

First question is regarding the 'shine' on the girls skin. The default and DLC girls all have a relativley matt looking skin texture, however when ever I re-texture a girl using a modified version of the base textures they always look like they have been covered in oil, much shinier. I dont' know what Im doing wrong but it is a little anoying because it gives them a really plastic look. Any ideas? I am using Gimp 2.6 and have a little experience in such programmes, but only for photo editing. Ive never modded for a game before.

Second question is about bump maps. I understand the tutorials provided already for using the defaults, or adding to them to get effects, but what I want to do is create my own completely from scratch. This is because I have added my own versions of nipples in different sizes, and several different pussy designs for different girls. The nipples are the real problem as the default bump is based around the default texture, and has totaly different nipples, so they end up looking odd with the default bump under them. As far as I understand the bump map starts out life as a greys scale version of the completed texture, so am I right in saying that in order to create my own bump map from scratch I just need to convert my completed texture to grey scale, and then darken and flatten the tone + lighten it where I want detail? I had a go at this but could not get it quite right, I was hoping Jak might let me know what settings he used to make the default bumps? :D

Third question is about girls preferences. Is there any way to alter how the girl reponds to certain positions/speeds? It says in the help menu in the game screen that certain girls like different things at different speeds, but I have not really noticed a difference between any character. It would be good to be able to make custom girls more responsive to certain positions for example. Is this possible, or is it coded into the different starting girls and not editable by end users?

Fourth question is about editing the guys. Are there going to be base textures/tutorials released relating to making custom male chracters?

Sorry for so many questions at once but I don't get much time these days to post on forums, so I had to do it in one hit. Any questions Jak can answer would be awesome, Its a great game, and I have nearly all the DLC for it except for 2 clothes packs, I also own the Cherry Dolls game from 2 years ago.

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