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Topics - pronzilla

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There's a new version of PPP out: Get it from the add-ons shop

v1.2 - People had more textures than that?!?!

Changes in v1.2:
  • added support for age morph
  • lots of changes to the way facial morphs work, to allow more tuning to look less bonkers
  • lots of tuning of facial morph ranges
  • completely rewrote the way lip randomisation worked, so that we can use wider ranges (and thus get more variety) without looking nutzoid
  • a few UI tweaks to cope better if you've got even more custom textures installed than I thought possible last time around (thanks to slayerx for the bug report)
  • added some basic UI for the body colour stuff.

NOTE: I've updated to Java 7.  This version *should* still run on Java 6 (I think) but I can't be sure.

Extra note: there's a LOT of new face morphing going on in the 1.x versions of PPP. That means that there are a lot more new ways for "random" to turn into "wacky". I've tried to knock the worst of the rough edges off, but it can still get a bit crazy in there, particularly with some of the new face styles.

How do I install it?

First, you're going to need to install a Java runtime from

If you've already got Java installed, I recommend checking that you're up to date regularly

Once you have that installed, just create a directory somewhere on your system and put the ppp.jar file in it. Anywhere on the system will do, but the closer it is to your SexSim directory, the less work it will have to do when you first run it

Double-click the ppp.jar file to run it.

Things I'd like to add someday

(disclaimer: inclusion in this list doesn't guarantee I'm ever going to actually add a feature, just that I'm thinking about doing it some day)
  • more tuning of the new morphing stuff
  • support for the "aged" face morph
  • more body colour support, including controls
  • jewellery colour support
  • permuting/morphing males (this may take a while, and I'll probably won't start until jak gives the xml/texture file details)

Requests/Bug Reports?
If there's anything you'd like that's not in the above list, or you're having problems, feel free to suggest/ask about it in
the tools forum. No promises, but I'll see what I can do...

Suggestions / Animation suggestions, and more...
« on: April 11, 2012, 02:05:53 PM »
Jak has indicated that the next release may contain some stuff related to animations - specifically, a pose/animation editor - so I thought it was time to jot down my thoughts on that subject. 

I know from my time as a programmer that users frequently have seriously crazy ideas about what's easy and what's hard, so I'm going to start off at "obvious" and rapidly transit out to "what is that guy smoking?".  I may lose touch with reality at some point, but hopefully if I throw a whole bunch of stuff in here, some of it might stick.

Let's load the idea-shotgun, shout "pull", and start with the one-that-probably-cannot-be-done:

Inverse Kinematics.  It'd be really cool, and probably make it possible to tweak characters a lot more (at present, any significant changes to body proportions, like making legs longer/shorter in relation to the body, tends to wreck the animations). 

When specifying animations, it would be really useful to define positions of body parts relative to other (characters') body parts - e.g. "this guy's hand should be here relative to her ankle".  (or is this just asking for inverse kinematics again?)

I presume any pose/animation editor would have some degree of tweening going on, based on key frames?  Otherwise we'd go insane trying to do anything mobile at all. 

Next, an anti-suggestion: Having played about with Garry's Mod a bit, I found ragdoll posing in that "game" to be a monumental pain in the ass.  While I have no real objection to the idea of dragging limbs around using some sort of FPS-style manipulator, the GM implementation just made it almost impossible to position anything with any accuracy at all.  So: don't do it like that, please.

Participants:  At present, SS only allows two permutations: MF and FF.  It would be nice if the animation editor could go beyond those combinations.  Personally, I'm most interested in solo female, but I feel solo male and male-male should be in there.  No doubt others will want threesomes and upwards, too.

It would be really useful to have various preset positions, both whole-body and part-body.  For example, standing, sitting, kneeling, hands & knees for full-body, and various facial expressions.  Something garry's mod (rather, the Source Engine's facial animation system) got right was the face posing system, where there were half-a-dozen "expression" sliders (happy, sad, surprised) plus more sliders corresponding to individual "muscles" - you could then intermix them as you liked.  Kinda like the SS character editor, in fact.  Who'da thunk it?

Similarly, it would be useful to be able to remix existing animations (even if only other user-made ones) - either to simply alter them, or to be able to chain them together.

I think that's it for the pose/animation editor specifically.  But I have some more suggestions, which start nearby (as in: still somewhat animation related) but scoot off in a different direction.

How about some sort of "sequencer" - a means to specify a chain of animations to be played in a particular order, with particular duration.  So: "kissing B for 10 seconds, blowjob A for 15 seconds, then missionary C for 20 seconds..."  If it can specify the "performers" and costumes too, then presto! we've got a machinima porn movie construction kit.  Maybe camera controls included, but override-able by the viewer? 

Save the whole caboodle (let's call it a "script") to a simple file format (e.g. XML) and I might even be able to come up with a ppp-alike to auto-generate them (no promises).

Next up, if anyone hasn't heard of Konashion's Super Deepthroat, I recommend you go and investigate.  I'll wait.

Got that? Right, at this point I want to draw attention to one feature in particular: the moddable dialogue system (if you didn't spot it, you need to turn it on in one of the option screens).  Essentially, the game has a text-based speech system.  At intervals, based on certain in-game triggers (e.g. the guy just came in her mouth, or particularly vigorous... uh... activity) the game "plays" a line of text in a speech bubble.  The lines of text are provided in a formatted plain text file (see the modding page) which makes creating custom dialogue a piece of cake. 

With a couple of minor tweaks (some means of highlighting which character is speaking, for example - Konashion is currently working on that) this strikes me as an excellent way of adding "personality" to the characters, especially if the character XML file specifies what dialogue they use.  A switch to turn it off might be good.

Now: back to the sequencer: if the "script" can supress the regular dialogue, and supply its own dialogue to be displayed at certain points, then the machinima porn can have an actual script, in the conventional movie sense - albeit subtitled rather than audio.  Actually, how about "and play this sound file now"...

OK, that's about 80 miles off into the wilderness, time to stop.

Tools / PSA: Java exploit in the wild
« on: April 03, 2012, 12:18:56 PM »
For anyone using java to run PPP: there is a security hole in the Java browser plugin, which is being actively exploited in the wild.  Update your java now (go to and download a new version) and/or disable the plugin in your browser (that's going to be a different set of instructions per browser, so I'm not going to give you chapter and verse).  PPP does not need or use the browser plugin, so unless you want it for other reasons, I'd recommend just nuking the blighter.

Mozilla are taking steps to blacklist the affected plugin versions, so anyone using Firefox should get notified about the hole, and have their plugin disabled (if vulnerable) in the near future, if it hasn't happened already.  I believe Microsoft can take similar steps for IE, but I could be wrong about that, and I've not seen any reports about them pulling the trigger yet.  No idea about chrome/safari...

To check your version, get a command prompt (press windows key and "R" together, then type "cmd" and return) then type "java -version".  You want to be on 1.6.0_31 (I think) or 1.7.0_03.

Suggestions / view when choosing shoes
« on: March 20, 2012, 01:05:31 PM »
Hopefully just a little thing - when choosing shoes, the view stays firmly full-body (see screenshot).  Not so bad when choosing boots, but it's a bit awkward when picking heels...

How about tweaking things to focus on (roughly) the area I've highlighted?

Tools / Pronzilla's People Permutor v1.1.2 - How many Textures?
« on: March 11, 2012, 02:40:32 PM »
For anyone who isn't reloading the add-ons shop every 10 seconds to check for new stuff (seriously, who doesn't?) there's a new version of PPP out: Get it from the add-ons shop

v1.1.2 - How many Textures?

Changes in v1.1.2:
  • Fixed a bug where unexpected hair files caused ppp to explode on
            startup.  Thanks again to eldercat for the bug report.
Changes in v1.1.1:
  • Fixed a bug where errors in a teeth texture definition in a character XML file (maybe other texture types, too) caused ppp to explode on startup.  Thanks to eldercat for the bug report.
Changes in v1.1:
  • More changes to cope better if you've got gazillions of custom textures installed
  • Added support for most full-face morphs added by Sex Sim 1.2
  • Start using custom body colours (in a subtle way, no visible controls yet)
  • Minor improvements to individual face-part morphing
  • When generating a girl with an un-natural hair colour (like blue) changed things to usually give her natural-coloured pubic hair, rather than matching the un-natural colour.
  • Finally fixed a long-standing (and very annoying, because I could never find it) bug where the "selected" status of certain textures wasn't remembered properly
  • Fixed some issues with display of custom textures imported by the character editor (like the body texture in Isla Del Sol's "Natalia"). Such textures will only show up if they're referenced by a character you have installed
Extra note: there's a LOT of new face morphing going on in the 1.x versions of PPP. That means that there are a lot more new ways for "random" to turn into "wacky". I've tried to knock the worst of the rough edges off, but it can still get a bit crazy in there, particularly with some of the new face styles.

How do I install it?

First, you're going to need to install a Java runtime from

If you've already got Java installed, I recommend checking that you're up to date regularly

Once you have that installed, just create a directory somewhere on your system and put the ppp.jar file in it. Anywhere on the system will do, but the closer it is to your SexSim directory, the less work it will have to do when you first run it

Double-click the ppp.jar file to run it.

Things I'd like to add someday

(disclaimer: inclusion in this list doesn't guarantee I'm ever going to actually add a feature, just that I'm thinking about doing it some day)
  • more tuning of the new morphing stuff
  • support for the "aged" face morph
  • more body colour support, including controls
  • jewellery colour support
  • permuting/morphing males (this may take a while, and I'll probably won't start until jak gives the xml/texture file details)

Requests/Bug Reports?
If there's anything you'd like that's not in the above list, or you're having problems, feel free to suggest/ask about it in
the tools forum. No promises, but I'll see what I can do...

Tools / Pronzilla's People Permutor v1.0 - New Faces
« on: February 06, 2012, 02:41:43 PM »
Pronzilla's People Permutor v1.0

This version is obsolete, get the new one from the add-ons shop

New Faces

Changes in v1.0:
  • First (quick) cut of support for all the new face morphing stuff in SexSim 1.2
  • better reporting (including error display) during startup
Extra note: there's a LOT of new face morphing going on in here.  That means that there are a lot more new ways for "random" to turn into "wacky".  I've tried to knock off the worst of the rough edges, but it can still get a bit crazy in there, particularly with some of the new bodies.     

This is essentially a "quick-and-dirty" release to get the initial support out there for some of the new face morphing handles in SexSim 1.2.  Refinements (and some more sophisticated morphing) will follow in time...

What is it?
Pronzilla's People Permutor is a totally, utterly, UNOFFICIAL, Java-based utility for Ripened Peach's SexSim, that creates random girls (only, for now) by mixing up the girls you have installed and morphing the face/body models. It creates 10 girls at a time, named "ppp 0" to "ppp 9".  I'm sure you can figure things out from there.

PLEASE NOTE:                                                         

How do I install it?

First, you're going to need to install a Java runtime from If you've already got Java installed, I recommend checking that you're up to date

Once you have that installed, just create a directory somewhere on your system and put the ppp.jar file in it.  Anywhere on the system will do, but the closer it is to your SexSim directory, the less work it will have to do when you first run it (see below)   

Double-click the ppp.jar file to run it. 

Note for Windows 7/Vista people

Sexsim keeps its "user_created" data in its program directory.  If you installed sexsim in the "program files" directory, and you run as a "normal" (non-admin) user, that means that PPP won't be able to write directly to those directories, because Windows protects them from editing to avoid things getting accidentally trashed.   

There are two ways to work around this:
  • I am told (but have not tested myself) that if you put PPP actually in the sexsim directory, things will work.  This tricks Windows into thinking ppp is part of sexsim, so Windows (mostly) plays nice.  Thanks to forum user oldcock for suggesting this workaround.
  • PPP will detect that it's being blocked.  It will then write the files elsewhere instead, and you can manually copy the files into place.  (ppp will tell you where to copy them to/from).

The first time you run it, it'll go hunting across your system for your copy of SexSim, and record that location in a file next to the ppp.jar, ready for next time.  This bit might take a little while (maybe a few minutes at worst, probably more like 30 seconds, depending on the size of your video collection) but it only happens once.

PPP should generate a ppp.log file in the same directory as the .jar file.  If you're having problems, either PM me that file, or post it in this forum with a description of the problem.

Things I'd like to add someday

(disclaimer: inclusion in this list doesn't guarantee I'm ever going to actually add a feature, just that I'm thinking about doing it some day)
  • more UI Tweaks to cope better if you have lots and lots and lots of textures (thanks for the bug report, ed583!)
  • more support for all the new morphing stuff
  • permuting/morphing males (this may take a while, and I'll probably won't start until jak gives the xml/texture file details)
Any requests?
If there's anything you'd like that's not in the above list, feel free to suggest/ask about it here.  No promises, but I'll see what I can do...

The files
ppp.jar is the program itself.
history.txt is just a list of what got added in what version, including bug fix descriptions.  probably very dull, but included for completeness.

Outfits / More stockings and socks
« on: January 06, 2012, 02:35:06 PM »

Yet more colour variants of the ones in my last last two packs, plus a few colour variants of the standard stripey socks and some slightly more exotic stockings...

I'm afraid that while I intended the pink socks to be "pink", they actually ended up being more a sort of (significant pause, dons sunglasses, tells The Who to shut up already)

Sorry about that.

Tools / Pronzilla's People Permutor v0.9.1 - little changes, big boobs
« on: January 04, 2012, 02:34:01 PM »
Pronzilla's People Permutor v0.9.1

This version is obsolete, look for a newer one elsewhere in this board...

lots of little changes (and some really big boobs)
Now! with added "look before you clip"!

Changes in v0.9.1:
  • Don't try to make icons from stuff that isn't there (that gets crashy).  Thanks ed583 for the bug report that lead me to it!

Changes in v0.9:
  • added two more boob morphing options (huge and supersize) for those who like 'em really big
  • add interface to control which teeth textures get used
  • add thumbnails to various texture selectors:
    • named hair colours that come with the hair styler add-on
    • all custom textures (I mostly can't get at the built-in textures, sorry)
  • include some basic boob size info in the "manage ladies" info pane
  • morphing tweaks:
    • tweaked the way boob asymmetry works, so it's a little bit more likely to happen, and a little bit less subtle (but still fairly subtle)
    • changed the way lip sizes are generated to give a little more variety
    • minor tweaks to body 2 face morph limits

What is it?
Pronzilla's People Permutor is a totally, utterly, UNOFFICIAL, Java-based utility for Ripened Peach's SexSim. 

PPP creates random girls (only, for now) by mixing up the girls you have installed (body texture from one, hair from another, eyes from yet another, and so on).  It can also change the body proportions a bit.

It creates 10 files in /Sex Sim/Runtime/user_created/characters, named f-ppp_0.xml to f-ppp_9.xml, containing random girl definitions.  So, the next time you start up SS, you'll see 10 extra girls named "ppp 0" to "ppp 9".  I'm sure you can figure things out from there.

PLEASE NOTE:                                                         


How do I install it?

First, you're going to need to install a Java runtime from

Once you have that installed, just create a directory somewhere on your system and put the ppp.jar file in it.  Anywhere on the system will do, but the closer it is to your SexSim directory, the less work it will have to do when you first run it (see below)   

Double-click the ppp.jar file to run it. 

Note for Windows 7/Vista people

Sexsim keeps its "user_created" data in its program directory.  If you installed sexsim in the "program files" directory, and you run as a "normal" (non-admin) user, that means that PPP won't be able to write directly to those directories, because Windows protects them from editing to avoid things getting accidentally trashed.   

There are two ways to work around this:
  • PPP will detect that it's being blocked.  It will then write the files elsewhere instead, and you can manually copy the files into place.  (ppp will tell you where to copy them to/from).
  • I am told (but have not tested myself) that if you put PPP actually in the sexsim directory, things will work (This tricks windows into thinking ppp is part of sexsim, and cuts it some slack)

What does it do?

The first time you run it, it'll go hunting across your system for your copy of SexSim, and record that location in a file next to the ppp.jar, ready for next time.  This bit might take a little while (maybe a few minutes at worst) but it only happens once.

Once it's found Sex Sim, it'll scan the Sex Sim directory to see what it's got to play with.

Finally, once it's ready to go, it'll let you play with the options, and then generate the custom xml character files. 

Along the way, it will also spit out a ppp.log file in the same directory as the .jar file.  You probably don't care about that - it's just a slightly-more-detailed record of what gets shown in the log window.

Things I'd like to add someday

(disclaimer: inclusion in this list doesn't guarantee I'm ever going to actually add a feature, just that I'm thinking about doing it some day)

  • permuting/morphing males (this may take a while, and I'll probably won't start until jak gives the xml/texture file details)
  • internationalization (this will also take a while)
  • support for all the new morphing stuff in the forthcoming SexSim update

Any requests?
If there's anything you'd like that's not in the above list, feel free to suggest/ask about it here.  No promises, but I'll see what I can do...

The files
ppp.jar is the program itself.
history.txt is just a list of what got added in what version, including bug fix descriptions.  probably very dull, but included for completeness.

Characters / Asha and Priya
« on: December 11, 2011, 02:52:27 PM »
The result of my work mentioned under the arab and desi ladies thread. 

In the end I couldn't decide whether to go with a lighter or darker skintone, so I did one of each.

Asha requires Ayumi, for the hair.  If you don't have Ayumi, this thread will tell you how to tweak the XML to use hair you do have...

Tools / Pronzilla's People Permutor v0.8 - What's in a name?
« on: November 19, 2011, 02:21:16 PM »
Pronzilla's People Permutor v0.8

This version is obsolete, look for a newer one elsewhere in this board...

Changes from last version:
  • added an interface to rename user-created girls, so you can keep your favourites...
  • added RGB_ORANGE hair colour option
  • bugfix: save/load the state of the hair colour tab properly

What is it?
Pronzilla's People Permutor is a totally, utterly, UNOFFICIAL, Java-based utility for Ripened Peach's SexSim. 

PPP creates random girls (only, for now) by mixing up the girls you have installed (body texture from one, hair from another, eyes from yet another, and so on).  It can also change the body proportions a bit.

It creates 10 files in /Sex Sim/Runtime/user_created/characters, named f-ppp_0.xml to f-ppp_9.xml, containing random girl definitions.  So, the next time you start up SS, you'll see 10 extra girls named "ppp 0" to "ppp 9".  I'm sure you can figure things out from there.

PLEASE NOTE:                                                         


How do I install it?

First, you're going to need to install a Java runtime from

Once you have that installed, just create a directory somewhere on your system and put the ppp.jar file in it.  Anywhere on the system will do, but the closer it is to your SexSim directory, the less work it will have to do when you first run it (see below)   

Double-click the ppp.jar file to run it. 

Note for Windows 7/Vista people

Sexsim keeps its "user_created" data in its program directory.  If you installed sexsim in the "program files" directory, and you run as a "normal" (non-admin) user, that means that PPP won't be able to write directly to those directories, because Windows protects them from editing to avoid things getting accidentally trashed.   

There are two ways to work around this:
  • PPP will detect that it's being blocked.  It will then write the files elsewhere instead, and you can manually copy the files into place.  (ppp will tell you where to copy them to/from).
  • I am told (but have not tested myself) that if you put PPP actually in the sexsim directory, things will work (This tricks windows into thinking ppp is part of sexsim, and cuts it some slack)

What does it do?

The first time you run it, it'll go hunting across your system for your copy of SexSim, and record that location in a file next to the ppp.jar, ready for next time.  This bit might take a little while (maybe a few minutes at worst) but it only happens once.

Once it's found Sex Sim, it'll scan the Sex Sim directory to see what it's got to play with.

Finally, once it's ready to go, it'll let you play with the options, and then generate the custom xml character files. 

Along the way, it will also spit out a ppp.log file in the same directory as the .jar file.  You probably don't care about that - it's just a slightly-more-detailed record of what gets shown in the log window.

Things I'd like to add someday

(disclaimer: inclusion in this list doesn't guarantee I'm ever going to actually add a feature, just that I'm thinking about doing it some day)

  • permuting/morphing males (this may take a while, and I'll probably won't start until jak gives the xml/texture file details)
  • internationalization (this will also take a while)
  • support for choosing which teeth textures get used (if and when I see any teeth textures that are actually different from the basic one)

Any requests?
If there's anything you'd like that's not in the above list, feel free to suggest/ask about it here.  No promises, but I'll see what I can do...

The files
ppp.jar is the program itself.
history.txt is just a list of what got added in what version, including bug fix descriptions.  probably very dull, but included for completeness.

Outfits / Some more stockings (and some socks)
« on: October 29, 2011, 01:02:08 PM »

The stockings are basically more colour variants of the ones in my last last pack, plus there's some white socks...

Outfits / sensible black shoes
« on: October 28, 2011, 01:49:38 PM »

I'm afraid inspiration hasn't struck me anywhere near as much on shoes as it has stockings, but there was one fairly obvious omission that was comically easy1 to rectify.

1I ain't kidding.  Simplest Texture File Evar!

I thought "hey, let's look into shoe textures" - <stones>paint it black!</stones>.  It'll never be good enough to keep, but it'll do as a starting-point-experiment.  (looks) 

:o Actually, that looks pretty good for something that took more work to hack the XML file than the texture.  And it's not a complicated XML file.

Outfits / Some stockings...
« on: October 17, 2011, 01:17:09 PM »

A small selection of stocking layers for those with more traditional tastes in sexy legwear.

Characters / Carly: A sweet brunette (assembly no longer required)
« on: October 17, 2011, 01:07:14 PM »
As-is, she requires Ayumi, for the hair.  If you don't have Ayumi, this thread will tell you how to tweak the XML to use hair you do have...

Added later:

Having removed the wrong file that I originally uploaded (sorry about that) I'm now having problems uploading a nice well-formed zip file.  So, I'm going to try uploading the bits.

You need to structure things like this:
...Sex Sim\Runtime\user_created\characters\f-pronzilla-carly.xml
...Sex Sim\Runtime\user_created\characters\textures\pronzilla\f_BODY-carly.png
...Sex Sim\Runtime\user_created\characters\textures\pronzilla\f_HEAD-carly.png
...Sex Sim\Runtime\user_created\characters\textures\pronzilla\f_LIMBS-carly.png
...Sex Sim\Runtime\user_created\characters\thumbs\tn_f_pronzilla_carly.png
...Sex Sim\Runtime\user_created\characters\thumbs\m\meter_carly.png

Added later still:
aaand now I've managed to get the zip uploaded.  The zip already has the right structure (unless I goofed again)

Pronzilla's People Permutor v0.7

This version is obsolete, look for a newer one elsewhere in this board...

Changes from last version:
  • added basic jewellery controls
  • tweaked to find all hair styles you have installed, rather than only the ones used in installed characters
    • now picks up the alternate no-glasses version of Vanessa's hair, for example
  • added support for the "no hair" style (not selected by default)
  • added hair colour support (only if you have the styler add-on).  includes:
    • the "dye" colours that come with the hair styler add-on
    • a few natural colours via RGB ranges
    • a few "dye" colours via RGB ranges
      • based on the non-natural colours in the standard dye pack

What is it?
Pronzilla's People Permutor is a totally, utterly, UNOFFICIAL, Java-based utility for Ripened Peach's SexSim. 

PPP creates random girls (only, for now) by mixing up the girls you have installed (body texture from one, hair from another, eyes from yet another, and so on).  It can also change the body proportions a bit.

It creates 10 files in /Sex Sim/Runtime/user_created/characters, named f-ppp_0.xml to f-ppp_9.xml, containing random girl definitions.  So, the next time you start up SS, you'll see 10 extra girls named "ppp 0" to "ppp 9".  I'm sure you can figure things out from there.

PLEASE NOTE:                                                         


How do I install it?

First, you're going to need to install a Java runtime from

Once you have that installed, just create a directory somewhere on your system and put the ppp.jar file in it.  Anywhere on the system will do, but the closer it is to your SexSim directory, the less work it will have to do when you first run it (see below)   

Double-click the ppp.jar file to run it. 

Note for Windows 7/Vista people

Sexsim keeps its "user_created" data in its program directory.  If you installed sexsim in the "program files" directory, and you run as a "normal" (non-admin) user, that means that PPP won't be able to write directly to those directories, because Windows protects them from editing to avoid things getting accidentally trashed.   

There are two ways to work around this:
  • PPP will detect that it's being blocked.  It will then write the files elsewhere instead, and you can manually copy the files into place.  (ppp will tell you where to copy them to/from).
  • I am told (but have not tested myself) that if you put PPP actually in the sexsim directory, things will work (This tricks windows into thinking ppp is part of sexsim, and cuts it some slack)

What does it do?

The first time you run it, it'll go hunting across your system for your copy of SexSim, and record that location in a file next to the ppp.jar, ready for next time.  This bit might take a little while (maybe a few minutes at worst) but it only happens once.

Once it's found Sex Sim, it'll scan the Sex Sim directory to see what it's got to play with.

Finally, once it's ready to go, it'll let you play with the options, and then generate the custom xml character files. 

Along the way, it will also spit out a ppp.log file in the same directory as the .jar file.  You probably don't care about that - it's just a slightly-more-detailed record of what gets shown in the log window.

Things I'd like to add someday

(disclaimer: inclusion in this list doesn't guarantee I'm ever going to actually add a feature, just that I'm thinking about doing it some day)

  • permuting/morphing males (this may take a while, and I'll probably won't start until jak gives the xml/texture file details)
  • internationalization (this will also take a while)
  • support for choosing which teeth textures get used (if and when I see any teeth textures that are actually different from the basic one)

Any requests?
If there's anything you'd like that's not in the above list, feel free to suggest/ask about it here.  No promises, but I'll see what I can do...

The files
ppp.jar is the program itself.
history.txt is just a list of what got added in what version, including bug fix descriptions.  probably very dull, but included for completeness.

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