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Messages - ceguah

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As some of you who have not bought your first add-on yet may have noticed, for you the tutorials in this forum won’t work - at least not as written.

The free game only accepts the four original characters that come with it. They can't be renamed. They have to be in their original folder to function. However, as some of you may not have noticed, they actually can be modified!

So as a reply to a post in Unofficial Sex Sim Support, I there about a year and a half ago posted sort of a tutorial on how to create a character of your own even before you buy your first add-on and thus get the free Sex Sim V.I.P. Starter Set with expanded access to the functions of the game.

But since this seems to be the proper place for a guide on how to modify a character, I finally decided to give a link to that old post here (I’m a slow thinker). Hopefully someone will find it useful:,1224.msg5560.html#msg5560

If you have any questions about my instructions in that other thread, please post them here (yes, in this thread you are reading right now) and I’ll do my best to help you.

(If a moderator thinks it is better to move the actual tutorial here (maybe slightly edited) and edit above accordingly - please feel free to do so!)

Unofficial Sex Sim Support / Re: My created character Didn't show up..??
« on: December 18, 2014, 02:56:04 AM »
As Giselle says, all tutorials in this forum presuppose that the user has bought at least one add-on and thus got the free Sex Sim V.I.P. Starter Set with expanded access to the functions of the game. The free game without any add-ons at all only accepts the four original characters that come with it. They can't be renamed. They have to be in their original folder to function (Sex Sim/Runtime/_aData/characters). So with only the original free game, the tutorials in this forum won’t work as written..

However the original characters can be modified - or at least they could before I bought my first add-on over a year ago.

If the game hasn't been changed since then, the below method of modyfying one of the original characters into one of your own should work without any add-on at all:

Copy and paste the original characters to a folder outside the game. Pick the one you want to use as a base for you own created character and copy and paste it to another folder outside the game, and on this copy change only the parameters needed to make the new character look different from the original - boob size and whatever - don't change the name! Then copy and paste this modified character to the Sex Sim/Runtime/_aData/characters folder.

Now your new character with the name of the original character will show up next time you open the game (however with the original icon).

This will of course overwrite the original character. But since you got a copy in a folder outside the game, no harm is done. When you want to play with the original character, copy and paste it to the Sex Sim/Runtime/_aData/characters folder, and voila: next time you open the game, the original character will be back - and your created one will be gone...But since you still have this character in the folder outside the game you created it in, no harm is done. Next time you want to use your own created character, copy and paste it into the game again and...well, you got the idea, right?

The reason for having two folders outside the game is that you can't have two files with identical names in the same folder. So name one of these folders "Original Characters", the other one "My Own Characters" or similar. If you want to make two different characters of your own based on the same original character, you will of course have to make a folder outside the game called "My own Characters 2" for the second one - the name must be the same as the version you first created (and the original character as well) , so they can't be kept in the same folder.

You can't modify everything, though. E g you can only use the hair styles already in the free game, and can't change hair colurs.

With your first addon, you will get the Sex Sim V.I.P. Starter Set, and with that you can use How To Make A New Character and other tutorials in the forum just as they are written and the results will show up in the game. Then you can also rename the characters you already created with above instructions before your purchase and put them in the "user_created/characters" directory as those tutorials suggests and put the original characters permanently back in the “_aData/characters” folder. No need anymore for the folders you created outside the game, they can be deleted.

If wanted I can write a more detailed tutorial on how to modify a character in the free game, but I hope above together with  forum post How to make bigger boobs (or smaller ones), a very useful post that gives the basics for modifying the characters in general, tells everything you need to know - but do not change the name of the character or put it in the "user_created/characters" directory as this tutorial tells you - without any add-ons at all that simply will not work. Link:,40.0.html
Pronzilla’s guide to XML Body part sizes is also a very useful post that will tell you basically everything you need to know about the effects of changing the values of the body parts of the female characters.  Link:,273.0.html

(I hope all above is understandable - English is not my native language.)

General Discussion / Re: Tablets or laptops?
« on: June 07, 2014, 11:35:35 PM »
I use a laptop and not even a "good" one - just a cheap Acer. It works fine.

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