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Topics - mech1

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Add-Ons Shop
« on: October 06, 2010, 11:20:33 PM »
Now we have a gallery! Thank you Jak for it.
I think it's really usefull not only for new users but for those who just want the new things too :-)

Is it for purpose that some add-ons have much more and much much better pictures than the other ones? I mean everybody of us has some nice screenshots which we can use for that. I have them :-)

btw place where we can share just the best screenshots whic will be placed on title page for new users will be fine ;-)

Unofficial Sex Sim Support / The zooming and Auto center camera issue
« on: August 27, 2010, 01:17:42 PM »
Auto center camera is a good feature but when you use middle button to move camera elsewhere it's stays here to the time when you push right button for angle changing. Than the camera automatically return to the center of the girl and you have to push the middle to move the camera again.

I tried to disable the ACC in options but than there is problem with zooming. You can zoom but more closer you are more tiny are the zoom steps and finally it stops really far from the girl.
The tricky is, that after disabing ACC it works fine when you are just looking on the Girl standing but when you chose the position the problems start. Even if you go to menu and chose another girl.
It will change only when you enable and again disable ACC but just only for standing position :-)

Is there a way how to auto center camera just after the change of position?
Or is there a way how to fix the zooming issue with Auto center camera option disbled?

Unofficial Sex Sim Support / END key immediatelly stops the SexSim
« on: August 20, 2010, 12:30:03 PM »
Just found out that when you hit the END key in login dialog, in the menu or during play, the SexSim immediatelly stops working without any other annoying dialogue.

Don't know if this is the feature but definitelly great to know that ;-)
It seems to me that after that fast stop of the game next loading is much more longer.

Characters / Girl Kate
« on: August 19, 2010, 11:24:10 PM »
Let me slightly introduce Kate for those who don't like thin girls ...
I don't know how long will take to Jak making the girl editing tool ... so for those who cannot wait :-D I tried to make a new girl.

Please be noticed:
  • This is my first attemt of making a girl.
  • This is the very first version of her.
  • It's still based on Robyn so you need to have it (already included in default installation).
  • It's just made by changing values of body parts like wroted in boobs tutorial.
  • I successfully tested it in almost every clothes and in all poses, but I don't know how it will work in add-ons, simply because I don't have them (could anybody please test it?)
  • Yes I know it's override the engine so in some poses the foots are under floor and the hands did not touch correctly.
    I know there is a way how to correct the engine to accept her but than the engine will not work with the other girls. I don't know how Jak will deal wit that in the announced creating tool, mayby simply reading the values from girls file and setting different zero points for engine (-0.8 for example).

Anyway still very horny for me, simply because she is thicker with bigger ass and boops.
Enjoy it and all replies are appropriate.

General Discussion / Suggestions for Forum
« on: August 19, 2010, 01:50:53 AM »
Some ideas here about forum ...
  • I can't find the settings for time correction so I see the time which is different for hours from mine :-)
  • It wold be great and space saving if the attached images could be 2-3 on one line. If you look in my post where I attached 4 images you can see that the post is much longer just because the images are one on the line.

Suggestions / list of Suggestions ... comparing to SexVilla
« on: August 18, 2010, 03:18:20 AM »
At first congratulate to such a good looking game comparing to the others on the market especially maked just in two persons!

I'm fun of these games for years and I'm collecting them. For me is the SexVilla the best one for some reasons.
On the other hand, Sex Sim has some pretty cool graphics, the paying model, at beginning with a forum which is well answered by producent ... this is a really reasonable bonus for all the "missing" features.

In what I trust:
  • I'm really like your paying model consisting of free basics and paying for little more.
  • I'm not playing the game all the time so I want to pay for what I like (signle dress, single model) and want to have it forever (not for the time of subscription).
  • Hopefully we will make a user community which will make stuff for sharing.
  • Hopefully some free stuff will came in the future ;-)

I red whole forum and yes, there isn't so much stuff like in SexVilla even if Jak mentioned about not to be an competition.
On the other hand if the game give a chance to test it for free, later buy or made someting for free ... than it has my affection (remember well when thrixxx forced to close free forum with tons of stuff which was deleted!).

  • Don't like the title page - why is there some photo where it's not connected with the game? Some screenshot will be fine to better waiting for loading the game. Someting like that one.
  • Changing position of pose is really tricky - you have to click on the pose again and sometimes the pose is placed on the same place. What about just small numbers inside the pose (pic 1)?
  • I don't like the thin girls but I can accept those. But I thing there isn't a nice ankle in missionary position and the knee against the wall looks really thin (pic 2).
  • Maybe it's for purpose to be able go through the furniture and persons but some times looks really funny (pic 3) :-)

Suggestions (already posted in the forum):
  • SexVilla has really good model for the pussy and ass. I don't know is there a better model in some add-on (still waiting with buying) but it seems that the pussy and the pudenda (it's really big in some poses) don't look reall to me.
  • That's remind me that the descriptions of on add-ons in shop is really short! I Expected screenshots of all the new functions and for girls shots in interesting suit's and naked.
    Yes I understand in that stage of the game is some kind of support for next developing, on the other hand the pages and the game itself is much more better presented that the stuff which I need to pay for :-)
  • I don't think it's necessary to have much more locations (I don't like the prepared island for example) or the animation between changing posses (and I really want that), but anal, stockings and threesome with DP would be really nice :-D
  • On the other hand if there will be a loyalty program and the editor will be free and you have chance to sell some of your maked stuff for reasonable price ... it's worth it ;-)

That's it! Thank you for reading.

P.S. - sorry for my english, it's not my native language, but I'm still making progress

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