Sex Sim > How to make things for Sex Sim

Can I post things for Sex Sim on other web sites?

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I agree wholeheartedly. I'm going to try my hand at some mods just for sh&ts and giggles.
As you know, I don't do the freemode thing. It's just too boring for me. So, I don't think this site is really
ready for me yet, but the mods could make things interesting. It seems like everything is xml based which makes making changes very easy.
i agree with you about his attitude. He is a lot freer with information about the way the content is made than ThriXXX. Even with they were still small, they had a closed fist attitude towards their tech. Here he even lets you create new body meshes. That's unique. There's a lot to like about this place. And like you said, I think it will be going places...probably places Jax hasn't dreamed of yet.

If you're still on GE. I've got a new sequence going up tonight or tomorrow called "The Abusive Boss." I think you'll like it. I think it's one of my best. I'm going to try to get it on video but the new sequencer room doesn't seem to like video. 

Damn I probably would like that sequence but it sounds like an office sequence and i haven't bought the office.  Not sure if I want to spend more on SV2 given that SV3 will be out some time maybe late this year, plus this one may be going places.

I agree that freemode gets boring really fast.  My interest is mainly in making sequences and watching other people's.  So far what I'm doing is modifying others people's sequences to make them more to my taste in terms of poses, outfits, etc.  It's a good way to start with the sequencer. 

I'm pretty sure we'll get a sequencer here eventually.  I think Jak is committed to developing the sim but since it's a one man shop for now, it's really a matter of when more than if.  Big new patch going into beta about now.  Looking forward to that.

Actually, it's the Doctors office with the Celebwrecker mod. One thing I do have in the works is a comprehensive Sequencer Manual. I already have one but it's multiroom and some people can't use so I'm doing this one entirely in the Loft, which, I'm pretty sure almost everyone gets right away.


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