Sex Sim > How to make things for Sex Sim

Boob Flop?


Looking through the XML file and I see a field for "boob flop".

I suspect this is either to add or limit breast bounce during sex scenes or, possibly, a setting that can show sagging breasts for older women or those whose bodies just don't support them well anymore.

The default is "0" so I tried to change one of my characters to "1" and then "2" but noticed no difference. Is this one of those settings for future use that has no value currently?

Thanks. I'll hang up and listen.

It used to be an editor function that allowed boobs to hang down more (your second guess) but it didn't really work with most clothes I think (boobs hanging out the bottom of tops) so it was disabled.

Yeah, you'll want to go with larger increments to see a decent effect.  I'm finding that 30 works out best for me.  Only been playing with this setting for a little while though.


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